Monday, April 29, 2013

April 27

Reading the paper with Daddy.

33 Weeks

How far along: 33 Weeks, 1 Day (33 Weeks with Caitlin)

Size of baby: 17-19 inches in length and 4.5 lbs, according to What to Expect.

Cravings this week: still loving my cup of coffee in the mornings. Cheese (port wine or cooper) and wheat thins. 

Weight Gain: As of my doctor's appt on April 25th, 17lbs

What I love: Comfy maternity clothes. Spending time with my little family - trying really hard to savor this time as a family of 3.

What I'm looking forward to the most: Meeting this kid.  I'm pretty ready for this pregnancy to be over at this point.  (This is probably pretty clear from how tired I look in the picture above). 

What is different this time around: Definitely the size of my belly, and apparently, I am sleeping much better than last time. At this point last time, my ankles and fingers were swelling all the time. I also had stopped wearing my wedding rings, but knock on wood, they still fit.   I am definitely more uncomfortable this time.  

Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty well for the most part aside from the occasional early morning wake-up where I can't fall back to sleep . I'm still up every night usually 2-4 times to pee, but I don't have a huge problem falling back to sleep. It is starting to get harder to turn over and/or get out of bed.   

Symptoms: Heartburn. Sore hips and legs and just tired in general. Random leg cramps when I flex my feet/ankles at night.  Exhaustion - I feel like I am definitely more tired this time around. I'm sure having an almost 3 year old at home isn't helping with the exhaustion. Random pain in my back and the top of my stomach, not contractions though. I think it's more from my belly stretching or over-doing it physically. Thankfully, the heating pad has somewhat helps with the pain. A few days of my legs/ankles/feet swelling, but I've started putting my feet up at work as much as I can, and I think that's helping.  Just overall soreness, including soreness in my pelvic muscles - so not fun at all.  Round ligament pain and Braxton Hicks contractions.

Movement: Yes! The movement has slowed a bit as he/she is clearly running out of room, but it is definitely strong most of the time. 

The belly: Still pretty big, and my belly button is basically flat if not popping out most of the time. Starting to hurt a little (see symptoms above).

Boy or Girl: We'll find out in June

Best moment of the week:  Date night with Ryan on Saturday, and then taking Caitlin to "A Day Out with Thomas" on Sunday.  She absolutely loved it, and it was so much fun! 

Worries this week: Starting to get a little worried about labor/delivery, but with how uncomfortable I am, I'm also starting to really look forward to it.

"Amusing" Comments: Nothing this week.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A day out with Thomas! So much fun.

A day out with Thomas! So much fun. (Taken with Instagram)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 26

I'd say Caitlin had a pretty good night tonight.  Ryan picked her up and took her swimming and then they had Chick-fil-a for dinner.  Lucky girl!  Happy 35-month birthday, Caitlin!  Only one month left as a 2-year old!!  I can hardly believe it! 

April 25

Another sleeping pic... because I forgot to pick up my camera tonight. 

April 24

What I found when I went to check on her tonight.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23

Someone found the bouncy seat this morning.  She didn't get in it (yet), but she loved playing with the toys on the bar.

32 Weeks


How far along: 32 Weeks, 2 Days (32 Weeks with Caitlin)

Size of baby: 19 inches in length and almost 4 lbs, according to What to Expect.

Cravings this week: still loving my cup of coffee in the mornings.  Bananas.

Weight Gain: As of my doctor's appt on April 1st, 16lbs (I'm just going to go with what the doctor's scale says because that's easiest).

What I love: Comfy maternity clothes. Spending time with my little family - trying really hard to savor this time as a family of 3. 

What I'm looking forward to the most: Starting to really look forward to meeting this kid.

What is different this time around: Definitely the size of my belly, and apparently, I am sleeping much better than last time. At this point last time, my ankles and fingers were swelling all the time. I think I am a little more uncomfortable this time. We had also just finished our childbirth classes.   

Sleep: No issues in this department. I'm still up every night usually 2-4 times to pee around 1:30/2 and definitely 5/515 (like clockwork), but I usually have no problems falling back to sleep. It is starting to get a little harder to turn over and/or get out of bed though.

Symptoms: Heartburn. Occasional sore hips and legs and just tired in general. Random leg cramps when I flex my feet/ankles at night - it happened twice this week, and I woke up in so much pain.  I'm sure it freaked Ryan out a bit.  Exhaustion - I feel like I am definitely more tired this time around. I'm sure having an almost 3 year old at home and working my butt off this week isn't helping with the exhaustion. Random pain in my back and my belly, not contractions though. I think it's more from my belly stretching or over-doing it physically. Thankfully, the heating pad has helped with the pain. A few days of my legs/ankles/feet swelling, but I've started putting my feet up at work as much as I can, and I think that's helping. 

Movement: Yes! All the freaking time, and I'm getting some good kicks to the bladder (not fun). The babe also seems to get the hiccups at least 2-3 times a day.

The belly: Still pretty big, and my belly button flattens even more each week. Starting to hurt a little (see symptoms above).

Boy or Girl: We'll find out in June

Best moment of the week:  Getting past some deadlines at work - hopefully, it will start slowing down a bit. 

Worries this week: Starting to get a little worried about labor/delivery.

"Amusing" Comments: Nothing this week.

April 22

Putting on her new flip flops.  Last night was kind of a rough night for me and Caitlin - she didn't want to listen or do anything I asked of her.  It was awesome.  We also shared the following interaction about these flip flops that I recently bought for her after she had asked me a few weeks ago for pink flip flops.

Caitlin (whining): But wanted pink flip flops.  Not pink and white flip flops.
Me:  Ok, we can give them to Leah then.  I bet she'd like them. 
Caitlin:  says nothing, but shuts herself in the closet. 
When she comes out, I'm texting Ryan (because he had a late meeting at work) to tell him what just happened with our little drama queen threenager. 
Me:  I'm texting Aunt Alexis to tell her that  have some flip flops for Leah. 
Caitlin:  Noooo.  But now I like them. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 21

Story time with Grandmom.

April 20

Modeling her new Minnie shirt and skirt. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

31 Weeks

How far along: 31 Weeks, 2 Days (31 Weeks with Caitlin)

Size of baby: 18 inches in length and 3+ lbs, according to What to Expect.

Cravings this week: still loving my cup of coffee in the mornings.  Snickers ice cream bars.

Weight Gain: As of my doctor's appt on April 1st, 16lbs (I'm just going to go with what the doctor's scale says because that's easiest).

What I love: Comfy maternity clothes. Hearing Caitlin talk about her sister and all the things she's going to do with her.  She is convinced that the baby is a girl, even going as far as saying that "her sister is not going to like her yellow room because girls need to have a pink room". 

What I'm looking forward to the most: Starting to really look forward to meeting this kid. 

What is different this time around: Definitely the size of my belly, and apparently, I am sleeping much better than last time. At this point last time, my ankles and fingers were swelling all the time.   I think I am a little more uncomfortable this time. 

Sleep: No issues in this department. I'm still up every night usually 2-4 times to pee around 1:30/2 and definitely 5/515 (like clockwork), but I usually have no problems falling back to sleep. It is starting to get a little harder to turn over and/or get out of bed though.

Symptoms: Heartburn. Occasional sore hips and legs and just tired in general. Random leg cramps when I flex my feet/ankles at night. Exhaustion - I feel like I am definitely more tired this time around. I'm sure having an almost 3 year old at home isn't helping with the exhaustion. Random pain in my back and my belly, not contractions though. I think it's more from my belly stretching or over-doing it physically. Thankfully, the heating pad has helped with the pain. 

Movement: Yes! All the freaking time, and I'm getting some good kicks to the bladder (not fun). The babe also seems to get the hiccups at least 2-3 times a day. 

The belly: Still pretty big, and my belly button flattens even more each week. Starting to hurt a little (see symptoms above).

Boy or Girl: We'll find out in June

Best moment of the week:  Passing my gluccose test!  Celebrating my dad's 70th birthday!!

Worries this week: Starting to get a little worried about labor/delivery.  

"Amusing" Comments: Nothing this week.

30 Weeks

How far along: 30 Weeks (30 Weeks with Caitlin)

Size of baby: 17 inches in length and just over 3 lbs, according to What to Expect.

Cravings this week: still loving my cup of coffee in the mornings.  Nothing specific, I just like food. 

Weight Gain: As of my doctor's appt on April 1st, 16lbs (I'm just going to go with what the doctor's scale says because that's easiest).

What I love: Comfy maternity clothes.

What I'm looking forward to the most: Back to looking forward to picking out a name and getting the nursery together.

What is different this time around: Definitely the size of my belly, and apparently, I am sleeping much better than last time. At this point last time, my ankles and fingers were swelling. I do occasionally wake up with tingly/sleeping fingers, but so far, the swelling seems ok (knock on wood).

Sleep: No issues in this department. I'm still up every night usually 2-4 times to pee around 1:30/2 and definitely 5/515 (like clockwork), but I usually have no problems falling back to sleep. It is starting to get a little harder to turn over and/or get out of bed though.

Symptoms: Heartburn. Occasional sore hips and legs and just tired in general. Random leg cramps when I flex my feet/ankles at night. Exhaustion - I feel like I am definitely more tired this time around.  I'm sure having an almost 3 year old at home isn't helping with the exhaustion.  Random pain in my back and my belly, not contractions though.  I think it's more from my belly stretching or over-doing it physically.  Thankfully, the heating pad has helped with the pain. 

Movement: Yes! All the freaking time, and I'm getting some good kicks to the bladder (not fun). The babe also seems to get the hiccups at least 2-3 times a day.

The belly: Still pretty big, and my belly button flattens even more each week.  Starting to hurt a little (see symptoms above). 

Boy or Girl: We'll find out in June

Best moment of the week:  Hearing that a good friend had a beautiful baby girl this week!

Worries this week: Starting to get a little worried about labor/delivery.   Also that I won't pass the glucose test.

"Amusing" Comments: Nothing this week.

April 19

Today was show and tell - something that makes her happy.  Clearly, Minnie does just that because that is a look of pure joy on her face!

April 18

More dancing on the deck at dinnertime.  Apparently, she was cold tonight because she needed to put her winter hat on. 

April 17

Dancing on the deck after dinner tonight. 

April 16

Playing on the couch with Bubby.

April 15

Today was a late night at work for me, so this was the only picture I got.  Caitlin would like to wish her Pop Pop a happy (late) birthday though.  We hope you had a great day and love you very much!

April 14

Loving on Bubby tonight while waiting for dinner.

Had to run back into the house this morning to grab something. Came back to this and her saying "I wanted to drive today".

Had to run back into the house this morning to grab something. Came back to this and her saying "I wanted to drive today". (Taken with Instagram)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 13

And this is her sad face...

April 12

Hanging with Daddy = lots of laughs tonight.

April 11

Chillin' with Bubby tonight. 

April 10

Another night of working late for me, so she got have date night with Daddy.  Lucky girl!

April 9

Out for a ride with Daddy while I was at work tonight.  The comment on the text that I got was "Moving pretty good".  She rode her tricycle all the way down to the playground at the end of our neighborhood! 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

2 silly monkeys this morning.

2 silly monkeys this morning. (Taken with Instagram)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hello, warm weather! We've missed you!

Hello, warm weather! We've missed you! (Taken with Instagram)

April 8

"Daddy, hold that door!  I have to go potty!!" 

April 7

Thrilled to be watching Piglet's Big Movie. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

New 'do + new purple shades + a lollipop (and a carousel ride) = a pretty good morning for Caitlin!

New 'do + new purple shades + a lollipop (and a carousel ride) = a pretty good morning for Caitlin! (Taken with Instagram)

April 6

New 'do + new purple shades + a horsey ride = a pretty good day for Caitlin. 

April 5

Bring it on spring!  We are so ready for warmer weather and lots of trips to the playground.  So much fun last night!

April 4

She was playing with Ryan's iPhone after dinner tonight, when she realized that she had a small cut on her thumb and "needed a band-aid". 

April 3

"I'll have 2 cookies, Daddy."

Friday, April 5, 2013

Impromptu play date with Parker tonight. #savingthisfortheirweddingslideshow

Impromptu play date with Parker tonight. #savingthisfortheirweddingslideshow (Taken with Instagram)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2

Playing cars tonight.  Love those pigtails.  It was crazy hair day at school... this is as crazy as we get.  I tried to do 3 pigtails, but she wanted no part of it. 

April 1

Chatting with Leah tonight.  Not sure if she's turning 3 or 13 in May.  Perhaps this is a glimpse into the teenage years...

March 31

She needed to "take my doctor's kit".

Happy Easter!! She loved doing Easter egg hunts!

March 30

Checking out the animals at Clark's Elioak Farm