Monday, April 30, 2012

April 23

Spaghetti.  Serious business around here.

April 22

Grandmom and Granddad's house wore her out.  She passed out within about 30 minutes of being in the car on the way home.  She was so excited to be there on Sat (4/21) that she refused to take a nap.  We put her down, and she cried, so Ryan went into the room to lay down with her, and he proceeded to fall asleep while she stayed awake and sang Happy Birthday to Granddad and tried to wake Ryan up to have him change her diaper. We listened to all this unfold on the monitor - it was quite comical.  Finally, Ryan decided that he was just distracting her so he headed to another room for his nap.  Within about 15 minutes, I hear the velcro of the diaper ripping over the monitor.  Caitlin decided she didn't need her diaper and then she proceeded to pee in her pack n play.  Awesome.  I went into the room and changed the sheets and her diaper and put her back down for her nap but she wanted no part of it so I got her up.  Later that night, we were sitting out on the deck around 6, and she passed out in my arms (she NEVER does this) and slept until 630 the next morning.  It's always an adventure with this kid!

April 21

We headed to Philly today to celebrate Granddad's birthday and got to spend the day with the Mooneys.  Caitlin wanted Leah to wear one of her barrettes.  Love these girls, and I especially love seeing them interact and play together! 

April 20

Things have been really hectic lately (clearly, since I'm posting this picture 10 days later!), and this is the best (and basically the only) picture that I have from April 20th.  Ryan took this one with his cell phone while Caitlin checked out the new - almost finished - deck.  She loves being able to just walk right outside! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19

She loves playing in our shower. 

April 18

We took the hood off her winter coat when it got a little warmer, and it ended up in my car somehow.  I was cleaning out my car and brought it inside, and she saw it and wanted to wear it while she was eating her breakfast. 

April 17

I think it might be time for a haircut.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Haven't posted any videos for a while, so I thought I'd post a few.
Singing her ABC's

Being cute - jumping and wheels on the bus. 

I taught her how to put her jacket on tonight!  She was so proud of herself.  I showed her how to do it once with my jacket and she got it on her second try! 

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16

We are working on dressing and un-dressing these days.  She went to school in a dress today, and when I picked her up, she was wearing her change of clothes (a shirt and capris).  Apparently, her teachers got tired of her repeatedly taking her diaper off today, so they put her in a different outfit. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 15

This happy girl would like to wish her Pop Pop a very happy birthday!!  We hope you had a great day! 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14

Silly girl at the playground tonight.  She went down the big tube slide all by herself today.  What a big girl! 

Friday, April 13, 2012

April 13

Such a struggle to get a decent picture of us together, but I actually like this one!  She peed on the potty tonight at bathtime.  Didn't get a picture of the momentous occasion, but I wanted to write it down so we wouldn't forget.  We're not close to potty training, but we're at least starting to get her familiar with the thought of it. 

April 12

Too cool for school (or cheerios). 

April 11

Another late night at work for me.  Caitlin decided to ride her horse while holding bunny and wearing her sunglasses.  Silly girl!

April 10

I had to work late, so Caitlin got to have a date night with Daddy at Chick-fil-a.  Lucky girl.

April 9

The Easter Bunny brought some new sunglasses.  She loves accessories - not sure where she gets that trait from! 

April 8

Happy Easter!   Could these 2 be any cuter?  They had such a good time playing together this weekend!!

April 7

Leah took her first bath in the big tub at our house, and Caitlin decided to crash the party.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 6


Going down the big slide at the park all by herself.  It's times like this that really make me realize what a big girl she is. 

April 5

She LOVES shoes and will try on any kind that she get her hands on.  At least someone is wearing those heels because we all know I don't wear them at often! 

April 4

Crawling in her tunnel to get her purple ball! 

April 3


She really is something else.  I don't think I need to explain the first picture, but in the second one, she was pretending that her hand was a phone so she could call Daddy while eating her ketchup with a spoon. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 2

Such a sad face because we wanted her to try her chicken at dinner.  She put those glasses on like that all by herself. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 1

Seeing how much she loves books sure makes this mama's heart happy.