Friday, August 27, 2010

12 Weeks Old

Caitlin, you turned 12 weeks old last Wednesday!  Yes, I know I am ridiculously late with this post, but we were at the beach for part of the week and before that we were getting ready to go to the beach, so I just didn't have time to pick up the computer!  So, although it's late, here's a recap of week 12 in pictures.

You hung out on the Boppy while I took pictures.  I think you look so cute in the picture.

We tried tummy time, but you were too tired to hold your head up.

You lounged on our bed.

You hung out with Daddy and put your dukes up.

You slept in Daddy's arms.

You sat up like a big girl in the chair with Daddy.

We took a nap together on the couch.

You went up on the rooftop deck at the beach house with Daddy and me.  I'm sorry that your hat doesn't match your outfit.  All of your other hats were too big for your little head!


You slept in Daddy's arms at the beach. (No, we didn't pose you like this.)


Here's proof that you were a little beach bum.
Your first day at the beach.

Hanging with Daddy.


Your first pair of sunglasses from Grandmom.

Toes in the sand.

Hanging with Daddy again.  You were smiling at Aunt Alexis in this picture!

Snoozing on the beach.

You really are such a happy baby.

Hanging with Daddy at the Beach House. 

You thought Grandmom was pretty funny.  You were also really interested in the outfit ("the relic" as she called it) that she was wearing.

We took a nap on the beach together.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Three Months Old

You are 3 months old today!  I think every monthly post is going to say this, but this has definitely been the most fun month with you so far!  We don't go back to the doctor until September 29th for your 4-month check-up, so I'm not sure what you weigh, but you are defnitely growing.  You are still wearing size 1 diapers and mostly 0-3 months outfits. You are very long and lean.  Like Mommy, your hair has started falling out!  I think you look like a cute little old man with the balding up top - it kind of reminds me of Pop-Pop. :)You usually eat between every 2-3 hours during the day, and breastfeeding is going better than in the past.  I'm still fighting the thrush, but it's not as bad as it could be thankfully. 

What are you up to this month?  You are becoming stronger each day.  You are still working on holding your head up, and we do tummy time almost every day.  We're also thinking you might be on the verge of rolling over!  Most of the time, you do really well with holding your head up, but we still have some bobblehead episodes here and there, mostly when you are really tired.  You have decided that you are not a huge fan of sitting and would rather stand with us supporting you.  Your little legs are so strong! When you are laying on your back or leaning back on our legs, we can pull you by your hands and you can sit up and sometimes stand up.  It seems that this month, you have really discovered that there's a whole new world out there.  Every little thing is so interesting to you, especially the TV.  I think you the bright colors are so interesting to you.  We discovered this while we were at the beach.  Everytime we sat with you any way but directly facing us, you would turn your head to get a good look at the TV.  It was pretty funny, but we have started trying to limit your TV time at home. We do let you watch the Phillies though.  We figure that can't really hurt since we are expecting you to be a true Phillies fan.  You also seem to really like the mobile on your crib that Nanny & Pop-Pop gave you.  We tried it when we got it from them, and you could have cared less.  Now, when I need to get something done upstairs, I can lay you in your crib and turn on the mobile and you will just lay there and look at all the animals and talk to them! 

You have become a drool machine.  It seems like it happened out of nowhere.  All of a sudden, you started drooling all over everything.  We haven't broken out the bibs yet, but I suspect that it won't be long.  You definitely know Mommy and Daddy now.  When someone else is holding you and we walk by, you will follow us.  Or if you hear our voices, you will look for us.  I have to say that it makes me feel so good that you know who we are.  All this hard work is totally paying off!  You are also starting to "talk" more and squeal.  That is one of my favorite things to do with you!   You "talk" to me most when I say "Ah Ah Ah" in a singsong voice or "Aaaaahhhhh".  It's so cute that I think I could do that with you all day every day. You have also found your hands and feet this month. You try so hard every day to get your hands into your mouth and keep them there. You are getting better at getting them to your mouth, but most of the time they move on you and you can't get them back. You get really frustrated when this happens. You also bend down to try to get your mouth to your hands instead of bringing them to you.  It's pretty funny!  You also fight your swaddle blanket with all your might to try to get your hands loose!  Your feet are fascinating. When you will sit in one of our laps, you notice your feet and can't take your eyes off of them. You even lean over to get a better look at them. You have also acted like you want to put them in your mouth - I mean, at this point, I think you'll put anything in your mouth. We've tried a couple times to help you put a foot in your mouth, and when we do, you make this face like "Eww, that is not what I expected my big toe to taste like".  

We took you on your first big roadtrip and vacation this month to Avalon, NJ.  You did amazingly well in the car.  It tooks us about 4 hours and 30 minutes to get there with a 45 minute stop to feed you.  We spent a week in Avalon with the LeNoir family and let's just say that you were not neglected while we there.  We all spent the week playing with you and loving on you. You slept in the pack n play in our room, and you did great being in a new place.  We had a couple nights where you were up during the night, but other than that, you slept very well!  We took you to the beach 5 out of the 7 days, and like your Daddy and me, you were a total beach bum.  Mommy carried you down to the beach in the Baby Bjorn while Daddy did all the heavy lifting by carrying a backpack, a little tent for you, and 2 beach chairs and an umbrella.  You slept really well on the beach.  I think the waves were really soothing to you.  You slept in my arms when we were on the beach, and the snuggle time with you was just what I needed before returning to work this week. We also put your toes in the sand and your feet in the water.  You didn't mind the sand, but after a few minutes, you started doing the flamingo pose.  The first time the water hit your feet, you were a little shocked and cried a little bit, but after that, you were not bothered by it at all.  You didn't seem to love it or hate it.  We've already talked about booking the house in Avalon again next year, so we'll see what your reaction is then!  We were a little paranoid about you getting sunburned, so with our pediatrician's permission, we slathered you in a ton of sunblock and sat under the umbrella the whole time. 

Speaking of work, I started back this week, and you started Daddy Day Care.  The transition has been a little easier than I expected.  Both my boss and the CFO are on vacation this week, and the fact that you are home with Daddy during the day has made it so much easier on me.  I know that you are in good hands and that Daddy is taking good care of you.  I also worked from home on Tuesday and today, and you and Daddy came to work yesterday to have lunch with me, so that has definitely helped.  It was so much fun to show you off to all the people I work with.  Of course, they thought you were the cutest thing ever.  I'd have to agree with them.  The pumping thing, while kind of awkward, is actually going better than I expected as well. I am able to work while I'm pumping, so that's nice, but I can see how it's going to get old very quickly.  I've only done it for 2 days now, and it seems like all I do is pump.  I'm just glad that the logistics of it seem to be working out, and I have one less thing to worry about while I'm at work. 

Let's talk about sleeping.  There's not much to say here other than GOOD JOB!  You are consistently sleeping through the night for about 8-10 hours.  Some nights you wake up around 4am and we just give you the pacifier and you go right to sleep.   We have started to establish more of a routine (bathtime, put your jammies on, sometimes a bedtime story, nurse and then bedtime), and I think that is really helping you.  We have been trying to get you to sleep no later than 9:30pm, and if that happens, you are up between 6:30 am and 7:00 am. Naptime is going ok as well.  You usually take about 4 naps a day, and lately, it's been 4 1-hour naps.  That's ok, but we are working on getting you to take at least one longer nap during the day.  We are also still swaddling you for naps and at bedtime.  We left you unswaddled one night and you slept until 5:30am.  We think that was a probably a fluke because the next day, you could not sleep without being swaddled.  We also think that if you had been swaddled, you would have slept longer.  We have also concluded that you do really like bathtime.  The past few nights, you have started kicking your legs and splashing during your bath!  You get so excited - it's so cute!!  We also will lay you on our bed after bath and your little legs and arms just go crazy.  I will have to try to get it on video and post it soon. 

Another month has passed way too quickly, but we are having so much fun with you.  We can't wait to see what the next month brings!!

Love you like no other,

Here are your 3-month pictures with your bear: 




For comparison, here you are at 2, 1 and zero months:






Tuesday, August 17, 2010

11 Weeks Old

Caitlin, you turned 11 weeks old last Wednesday, and once again, I'm really late getting this post up.  Things have been pretty busy lately and rather than spend time on the computer, I've been savoring every minute that I get to spend time with you before I go back to work!  Here's a recap of week 11 in pictures.

You held onto your rattle and pretended to talk on the phone.

You showed us your muscles.

You worked your core on the exercise ball.

You fell asleep in the Bjorn again - we love how you had your hands resting on it.

You've started to get so curious about the camera.

Here's proof that you do actually like bathtime.

When Daddy gives you a bath, you can't take your eyes off of him. 

I think Mommy's camera kind of startled you in this one!

We did a little photo shoot on Mommy and Daddy's bed.  Here are some of the many faces you make.




We practiced tummy time.

Sometimes when you try to pick your head up, this is what happens with your legs. 

You are doing really good holding your head up!

Although it's not in focus, this is one of my favorite pictures of you!

Monday, August 9, 2010

10 Weeks Old

Caitlin, you turned 10 weeks old last Wednesday!  You are already in the double digits and are getting to be such a big girl!  We had your 2-month well appointment today, and you are growing like a weed!  Here are your 2 month stats:
  • Weight:  9lbs 9oz (25th percentile)
  • Height: 24 inches (95th percentile)
  • Head Circumference: 37.5 cm or about 14.8 inches
You also got 2 shots and one oral vaccine.  Mommy's heart just about broke in half when they gave you those shots.  Your cry was so pitiful, and you even cried real tears. 

We spent most of your 10th week with Grandmom LeNoir as she came to visit and help us prepare for your Christening on August 1st.  She was a really big help to us, and we wouldn't have had such a great party without her!  Here's a quick recap of week 10 in pictures! 
This was taken in the morning - you are such a happy baby in the mornings.  Although you had been awake for a little while at this point, I absolutely love being greeted by that precious smile each morning!

This is what you do after you've been eating for a while and I put you up on my shoulder to burp you.  You are too funny!

Hanging with Mommy - Daddy must have been doing something pretty funny to make you smile like that!

Sometimes when you're upset, all you need is for Daddy to put you up on his shoulder.  He knows how to make it all better!

Our new trick when you're fussy in the evenings is to put you in the Baby Bjorn and bounce you.  This is usually what happens!

Bouncing with Daddy on the exercise ball.

Here you are with Daddy before we dressed you for the Christening!

All ready to be baptized.  This gown has been worn by practically everyone in Daddy's family.  It's about 60 years old and you were the 18th person to wear it!

Here you are with us and your godparents!

A great picture of you with your godparents.

You were so tired one day that I changed your diaper while you slept right through it.

What's a post without one of your beautiful smiles!?

Ok, how about another smile!