Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or treat!!

Trick or treat!! (Taken with Instagram)

Halloween parade at school. Happy Halloween!

Halloween parade at school. Happy Halloween! (Taken with Instagram)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 30

There was some very serious coloring going on tonight. 

October 29

We spent the day at home today because of Superstorm Sandy, and Caitlin got to watch a couple new movies while Ryan and I tried to get some work done (parents of the year, right here).  One of the movies she watched was The Lion King.  We also spent the night down in the basement to be safe even though the storm ended up not being that bad for us.  In this picture, she was telling us how they held the baby lion up to show him to all the animals in The Lion King. 

October 28

Playing together nicely. 

October 27

Love these two!  We love it when Leah comes to visit!!





October 26

Caitlin's school had Family Fun Night tonight (basically Parent's Night Out), so she got to have dinner at school and then have a movie night complete with popcorn.  Ryan and I showed up to pick her up about 20 minutes before it was officially over, and Caitlin completely lost it.  She was so mad that she had to go home before the other kids.  So much so that she worked herself up, and she threw up her popcorn all over herself on the way home.  Not exactly how we wanted to end the night... Happy 29-month birthday, little girl!  We love you even when you're throwing up! 

October 25

Drinking her "tea" like Mommy. 

October 24

Swinging on the big girl swing in this wonderful warm weather! 

October 23

Little monkey climbing all over the furniture. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

It's a fort-building kind of day.

It's a fort-building kind of day. (Taken with Instagram)

"I'm doing yoga, Mommy."

"I'm doing yoga, Mommy." (Taken with Instagram)

October 22


October 21

Out for a walk around the neighborhood today. 

Home with this silly turkey today.

Home with this silly turkey today. (Taken with Instagram)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Big pushing Little.

Big pushing Little. (Taken with Instagram)

Cutest cowgirl ever.

Cutest cowgirl ever. (Taken with Instagram)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dinner, thanks to Caitlin!

Dinner, thanks to Caitlin! (Taken with Instagram)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Little monkey at the park tonight.

Little monkey at the park tonight. (Taken with Instagram)

October 20

Caitlin and I walked to the playground in our neighborhood while Ryan was making dinner.  I put my sunglasses on my head, so she decided to do the same.  She found a fuzzy plant and was trying to tickle me with it. 

October 19

Love this silly kid! 

October 18

Just a little stroll with her baby, backpack and monkey slippers. 

October 17

Aunt Bonnie came for a visit tonight, and Caitlin showed off her indoor trike riding skills for her! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 16

A few weeks ago, she came home from school with a SpongeBob boo-boo pack that she used every day until we finally returned it to school.  Realizing how much she "needed" to have a boo-boo pack at home, I ordered her Woody and Buzz Lightyear boo-boo packs from Amazon.  She uses those things at least once a day when she "hurts" herself.  Most of the time, she won't even let me kiss her boo-boos anymore.  Instead, she just tells me that she needs a boo-boo pack.  :(

October 15

Playing with playdoh is serious work.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Breaks my heart when she's not feeling well.

Breaks my heart when she's not feeling well. (Taken with Instagram)

October 14

Ryan scrubbed the deck today, and Caitlin promptly got to work helping him. 

October 13

Weeee!  We spent the morning with good friends at Larriland Farms picking apples, pumpkins and going on hayrides (and eating funnel cake french fries - yum!). 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Rough housing with Daddy.

Rough housing with Daddy. (Taken with Instagram)

Friday, October 19, 2012

So excited to take a picture with her beloved Bubby (bunny).

So excited to take a picture with her beloved Bubby (bunny). (Taken with Instagram)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Someone found the button that takes pictures on Mommy's phone tonight.

Someone found the button that takes pictures on Mommy's phone tonight. (Taken with Instagram)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Spaghetti anyone? Caitlin thought it would be fun to pull the box off the counter tonight.

Spaghetti anyone? Caitlin thought it would be fun to pull the box off the counter tonight. (Taken with Instagram)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Playdoh... New obsession.

Playdoh... New obsession. (Taken with Instagram)

Conversations with Caitlin 10.15.12

This morning when I woke her up for school: 
Caitlin: Mommy, my belly hurts.
Me:  Oh no, do you have to go poopy?
Caitlin:  No, my belly is just talking.  It's saying "Feed me, Mommy!". 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Another hayride with my girl who looks slightly confused about why she can she both of us on the screen of my phone.

Another hayride with my girl who looks slightly confused about why she can she both of us on the screen of my phone. (Taken with Instagram)

She loves her Jessie jammies.

She loves her Jessie jammies. (Taken with Instagram)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 12

They worked on the letter P at school today, so it was Pajama day, and she got to take something to school for Show and Tell that started with a letter P.  She took her pink purse that Grandmom and Granddad brought her back from Italy. 

October 11

I'm not actually sure what's going on this picture... Silly girl would not put her shirt back on tonight! 

October 10

Caitlin had a fieldtrip to Triadelphia Farm today, and I was fortunate enough to be able to go as a chaperone. .   We rode there on a school bus, went on a hayride, picked corn for popping popcorn, went through a corn maze, saw some animals, and also got a pumpkin.  She was very apprehensive about getting on the bus (clinging to me and crying), but as soon as it started moving, she loved it! It was a great day!! 

October 9

Ryan told her to make her "Roar" face.  Yes, those are her socks on her hands.  Never a dull moment in this house.

October 8

That Eagles shirt is always her first pick.  I think she knows it drives me crazy.  Oh well, at least she likes the new hat that I made for her. 

October 7

Our new addition to the playroom - a homemade chalkboard!  So far, Caitlin loves it!  Caitlin would also like to welcome her new friend Logan Fletcher Clawson into the world.  We can't wait to meet you!! 

October 6

Another day at the park and another chance for her to climb like a monkey.

October 5

Big girl climing the rock wall at the park.  When she gets to the top, she says "Mommy, I did it all by myself!"  

October 4

I cheated and let Caitlin watch Sesame Street on the iPad while Daddy was away for work because I had to straighten up the messy house.  She randomly put that hat on her head while she was watching. 

October 3

Love this picture of my girl. 

October 2

Sleeping Beauty.