Friday, January 31, 2014

January 30

I came home from work and found this.  Poor kid.

My grocery shopping buddy.

January 29

My poor little sickie in bed by 7:45pm after she puked all over Daddy.

This kid loves bath time!

January 28

Ryan had to work late tonight, so I picked up Chinese food for dinner.  Caitlin was so happy about it. While she was eating, she said "Thank you for this good dinner, Mommy!"  I think that is the first time that has happened, but it made me feel pretty happy.

Imagine my horror when I looked down while I was nursing Natalie and she had blood on her forehead!  Little Miss had a bloody knuckle, and I guess she had it by her forehead while she was eating.  It clearly didn't really bother her.

January 27

Her new sleeping position.

Taken after she looked at me and said "Mommy, I tooted!"

Natalie - Seven Months

Natalie was 7 months old on January 12, 2014. 
Likes:  Eating solids, nursing, Mommy, watching Caitlin, bath time, flirting and talking to Daddy, putting everything in your mouth, talking/jabbering away, exersaucer
Dislikes:  The snot sucker, getting your nose wiped, getting your face/hands cleaned, long car rides (although, dare I say that this is getting a little better)
Biggest Achievement of the Month: Sitting unassisted
Biggest Challenge of the Month: Getting you to remember that you can roll back when you're on your belly.  Still working on that one! 
Sleep:  You usually take 2 or 3 1-2 hour naps (with an awake period of about 2-2.5 hours between) that are usually closer to 1 hour than 2 hours.  You typically fall asleep for the night anywhere between 630 and 730pm and wake up any time between 6 - 730am.  You like to sleep on your back and once you fall asleep, you sleep with your arms out or above you head.  On the rare occasion, you will roll over to your belly and stay there and sleep really well, but it hardly ever happens.  You sleep on your side more often than your belly, and we also gave you a lovey this month (a little giraffe). This month wasn't great for sleep.  There were a few nights a week where you were up twice to eat, and I think this was caused by the fact that you were teething.  You usually put your thumb in your mouth as soon as we walk out of the room.  We also turn on the seahorse whenever you go to sleep.  
Temperament/Personality: You are generally pretty calm/content/happy and happy to hang out and take everything in.  You really only cry when you're hungry or overtired.  When you're awake and Caitlin is home, you love watching her, and she has started taking an interest in you as well.  You're such a happy girl, always smiling and talking to us.  You love staring at Daddy until he will pay attention to you, and when he does, you give him the biggest smile. 
Eating: Nursing is still going well.  During the day, you are eating about every 3-4 hours which works out to be 5-6 times a day.  Since you're sleeping through the night (and have been for a while now), you are not usually eating at night.  We've had a few random nights were you have woken up to eat, but it's pretty rare.    You are still eating well, and so far you have tried avocados, bananas, pears, apples, prunes, sweet potatoes, mangoes, butternut squash, carrots, green beans and peas.  You have liked everything, but I would say that prunes and green beans and peas have been your least favorite.  
The Superficial: Your hair is still dark-ish, but is much thinner in the back and on the sides. You kind of have a mohawk, and I noticed this weekend that you have a little bald spot.  I think your hair has finally stopped falling out though.  We also think that it looks like it's lightening up a little bit, but nowhere near as light as Caitlin's hair.  Your eyes are dark, but I can't really figure out what color they are.  Daddy says they're brown, but I don't agree.  I think eventually they will turn brown though. You are still wearing 3-6 and 6 month clothes this month.  You have rolls on your arms and on your thighs, and I just love it. You are still wearing a size 1 diaper, but as soon as we're done with the current pack, we'll be starting size 2's.  I weighed us together and then weighed myself, and you weigh approximately 14.8 oz.  You also have one tooth - the bottom middle left.  The first one popped through around New Years and the 2nd one hasn't officially popped yet, but I can see the white mark in your gums.  

Developmental Milestones: Moving around in a circle while laying on your belly.  You can pick up cheerios/puffs, but can't quite get them in your mouth.  We are working on the pincer grasp.  You also started blowing raspberries this month.  And, you can sit unassisted, but can't get into the sitting position on your own yet.  

This isn't really developmental, but we also celebrated your first Christmas this month!  You loved playing with your new toys (mostly teethers/stuffed animals, etc) and also loved trying to put tissue paper and wrapping paper in your mouth as often as possible.  

Out and About: We celebrated Christmas in PA with Daddy's family.  Daddy and I also had an overnight date night for his holiday party, and Ms. Jen came to say with you and Caitlin.  We also took your first trip to the zoo on an unusually warm day for December.  It went fairly well - you spent time in the stroller and then in the Ergo for a little cat nap.  

Big and Little Sister:




Again with the hair, Natalie definitely has more.  It's funny to go back and read Caitlin's 7-month post because I talked about how much her hair was growing.  She looks almost bald compared to Natalie (in my opinion).  Natalie is still nursing like a champ, but at 7 months, I had given up nursing Caitlin and was pumping exclusively.  Caitlin had finally rolled from her back to her stomach during her 7th month, but Natalie has been doing it for quite a while now.  But... Natalie still doesn't really roll from her belly to her back.  So crazy how different 2 kids can be.  Caitlin also was starting to pull herself up, but Natalie really hasn't started doing that yet.  Also, separation anxiety apparently started for both girls this month.  There have been multiple days when I have dropped Natalie off at school and she has cried hysterically when I left.  Oh, and the sisterly love.  Don't even get me started.  99% of the time, Caitlin is super sweet to Natalie, always bringing her toys to play with and talking to her and doing things to try to make her smile and laugh. Caitlin also is an amazing big helper for me, almost always willing to grab a bib, burp cloth, diaper, wipes, etc.  She also will jump at the chance to pick out Natalie's outfit in the morning for school.  I think she has adjusted really well into the role of big sister! Also, the new thing this month for Caitlin is her hugging and kissing Natalie non-stop. It's sweet, but sometimes it's a bit much.  Even Natalie looks at her like, "what the heck are you doing?"

Another amazing month.  We are having so much fun watching you grow and learn and seeing how your relationship with Caitlin will develop.  You are the sweetest baby, and I kind of wish I could just freeze time right now.  We love you so much and can't wait to see what the next month brings!

Love you to pieces,

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sledding Fun

January 26

She loves holding the spoon at mealtime (and making a huge mess).

I took Caitlin sledding today to a school near our house that had some awesome hills.  It was so much fun, and she loved it!  On the way home, she told me that she couldn't wait to tell Daddy about her adventure!  Love making memories with this kid, even if it means that I am so sore tonight.

January 25

Painting with Daddy this morning.  She decided she needed the visor on her own.

A good one of her 2 front teeth.  Sorry about the snotty nose.

January 24

This kid.  Sometimes I really don't get it.  We FINALLY got her to try pizza a few weeks ago, and she likes it.  Tonight, Ryan ordered pizza and gave her a slice with mixed vegetables on the side (the frozen ones).  She barely ate any of her pizza while the veggies were cooking, but once they were on her plate, she started putting them on top of her pizza and ate the whole thing!  Silly girl.

Working so hard to learn how to pick up her puffs.  At this point, I'd say she's successful about 50% of the time.

January 23

Caitlin loves taking baths with Natalie.  I can't wait until Natalie is old enough to really play with Caitlin during bath time.

January 22

Trying to get both cups in her mouth at bath time.

Sleepy girl.

January 21

Ready to go out and play in the snow.

We have another Sophie lover on our hands!

January 20

She will probably kill me for this someday, but this poor girl has been pretty constipated since we started solids.  This is her "I'm trying to poop" face.

I love this picture of my big girl.  Her shirt says "Most Amazing Sister", and it is so true.  She is such a great big sister to Natalie.

January 19

Cuties all dressed up as Cinderella.

Those fingers are always in her mouth!

January 18

Her new trick:  Blowing raspberries and drooling all over the place!

Yay!!  Daddy is home!

January 17

Ryan was in California for work for part of the week, and Caitlin was a really good listener, so I surprised her with chocolate chip pancakes for dinner tonight.

Natalie got to have pancakes (without chocolate chips) tonight too.  It doesn't looks like in this picture, but she loved them!

January 16

Bath time fun!


January 15

Sweet girls tonight at bedtime.



Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 14

Beautiful girls in their hats before school this morning.

January 13

Sleeping pictures of Caitlin never get old.

Natalie loved my sourdough bread at dinner.

January 12

Happy to be sitting up at bath time!

Tired girl after hanging out with Ms. Jen, Mr. Pete and Parker!

January 11

Pretty girl in her Phillies shirt.

Prune face.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 10

Someone enjoyed my birthday cake a little too much tonight.

Cannot get enough of the sleeping baby pictures.

January 9

Sisters!  This might be my favorites series of them yet!



January 8

Eating her Cheerios.

Daddy is so funny.

January 7

This is her new thing to do when she's brushing her teeth.  Drives me nuts.

Sleepy baby with coordinating lovey.