Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Sad Day....

For Wendy. We put our house on the market today. I can't believe we're actually doing it, but here goes. I've already cried a few times about the decision. Ryan, on the other hand, couldn't be more excited. Don't get me wrong... I'm excited about the prospect of a bigger house with a yard and a parking spot where drunk people don't graze my bumper when they try to pull out of their parking spot on the street, but I LOVE this house! It's so cute and it's our very first house together. What can I say, I get emotionally attached. I can't help it! At the very least, having the house on the market will be a true test to see how neat and clean we can keep everything - we even have to make our bed every day!! We have an awesome realtor, but if you know of anyone who wants to buy a cool house in Canton, send them our way!

On the wedding front, we booked the videographer this weekend. We decided to go with Perskie for this - should make the whole process of videos and photos that much smoother (we hope). We also found out that the rooms at the Courtyard Downtown are now available to be booked (since we're less than a year away). If you'd rather book a room online instead of calling Marriott, please let me know and I can send you the link. And.. more exciting news, the date is set for the first round of Dress Shopping -- November 17th! I can't wait!!

On a different note, we'll be doing the 1-mile walk for the Race for the Cure this weekend in honor of my brother-in-law's mother who would have celebrated her 60th birthday on Sunday. If you're interested in donating to the Susan G. Komen fund for our team (Team Betty Boop), click on the following link: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=229427&lis=1&kntae229427=8BBA81FDA6FD418CB3992F8EACF652BA&supId=188821327