Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Phillies Win the World Series!!!

Since the baseball playoffs started, I have watched as Ryan was mostly overcome by nerves and pessimism (b/c the Phillies have consistently let him down), but tonight turned out to be a good night. The Phillies didn't let him down! Most of you know that I'm an Orioles fan, but since they are awful and have been that way for the past few years, I have slowly become a Phillies fan. I am not nearly as true a fan as Ryan or the rest of his family, but I have been known to cheer them on. So, it was great to watch them finally beat the Tampa Bay Rays tonight, and win their first World Series since 1980 (the year I was born, by the way)! And, even better to see Ryan so excited that his team finally won!! Go Phillies!!

Goodbye, Long Hair

Now that the wedding is over, I no longer feel the need to have long hair... Long hair that takes FOREVER to dry in the mornings and just hangs there when I take the time to ONLY dry it and makes me cold in the winter when I don't take the time to dry it completely... Long hair that gets all knotty because it gets tangled on my winter coats and sweaters. So, I went to my beloved hair salon, Zoom Hair Studio, after work today and had them cut it so that it falls at my shoulders. I'm feeling like a new woman! Not a drastic change, but definitely noticeable, right? Not if you ask Ryan... I walked into the house around 7pm (a little later than I normally get home) to find Ryan playing the new Guitar Hero. As I'm flipping through the mail in the kitchen, he says to me "Did you go somewhere after work?" And, I just look at him with a "Are you kidding me?!" look. So, he asks me again if I went somewhere, and I say, "I don't know. You tell me." Still nothing. So, I touch my new hair and say, "Umm, yes I went somewhere after work!" Finally.. he gets it. Are all guys like this??!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Weekend Away.... Without the Husband

OCL 9.20.08 113
Originally uploaded by lenoirwedding
While Ryan is fully immersed in Philadelphia/Pennsylvania sports this weekend, I will be spending my weekend in beautiful Greenville, SC with this cutie! Can't think of a better way to spend my weekend (especially since Ryan would be ignoring me anyway...).

Arts & Crafts at the LeNoir House

Originally uploaded by UDChickie

So, I thought I'd try to become a little crafty/domesticated since I am now a wifey. Just kidding - I actually just wanted something to do since we have all this free time without wedding planning taking over our lives. It may sound like I'm sad about this, but believe me, I'm really not. Don't get me wrong, the wedding was amazing and more fun than I ever thought it would/could be, but I am thrilled to have my life back! I found this little project here and thought I'd give it a try. Surprisingly, it was not that hard and kind of fun. I have also posted a picture below of the wreath hanging on our front door.


Originally uploaded by UDChickie

Saturday, October 11, 2008

We're Back!

We made it back from Hawaii on Wednesday and are slowly working our way back into the real world. The honeymoon was amazing, and I am working on a post about that, but for now, I had some other random stuff to write about. On the honeymoon, Ryan and I had a lot of time to talk about how the wedding went and think about all that happened. I want everyone to know how amazing my bridesmaids were - they took such wonderful care of me on the wedding day, and I truly cannot thank them enough. I also wanted to thank Jordan (Becky's boyfriend) for basically being at our beck and call the entire day. He woke up early and walked to Panera to get us breakfast, went to Potbelly to pick up lunch for us, and was there for us for anything at all we needed. At one point, we were hanging out in the bridal suite and he sat down on the couch to watch TV, and I said something like, "Jordan, if you want to change the channel, you can." As soon as he heard his name, he jumped up to do whatever I was asking of him. Poor guy. Seriously though, I know we wouldn't have made it through the day without him, and I really hope he knows how much we appreciated having him there! Also, a big thank you to the groomsmen for keeping Ryan calm during the day and for also making sure he showed up! (Not that there was any doubt about that...)

On a different note, I wanted to remind everyone to post their digital pictures to the flickr website. Ahem, Cardones & Kummers - are you out there?! Still waiting patiently for those pictures to be posted! :) There have been quite a few pictures posted, so feel free to check it out even if you don't have any to add. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to post their pictures - it has been so much fun to look at them! I have also started slowly posting our pictures from the honeymoon... Bear with me - I took quite a few pictures (shocking, I know).

If you would like to download any of the pictures from Flickr, it's not exactly straightforward, so here's how to do it. Click on the photo that you want to download. Above it, the 5th icon from the left says "All Sizes". Click on the icon and it will give you the option to download any size. Click on the size that you want and then click on the link to download the picture.

The website for the flickr pictures is:
If you need the username and password, please feel free to email me at
I will be getting the professional pictures on Monday, so I'll email the information for those next week.