Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 29, 30 & 31

Caitlin has been sick this week with an awful stomach bug.  She passed it on to me on Monday night and Ryan got it on Tuesday.   I missed 2 days of work, and we've been to visit the doctor twice in one week.  Apparently, these stomach bugs take longer to pass for little babies than it does for adults.  Thankfully, Ryan and my sicknesses were staggered, and we were still able to take care of Caitlin.  I don't know what we would have done if both of us had the stomach bug at the same time.  We have taken zero pictures, so this is the only update I've got.  We are so sad that Caitlin has been so sick, and we are focusing all our efforts on nursing her back to her usual happy self.  As much as we love the snuggle time, we are ready for our little busy-body to return and start getting into all the things that she shouldn't be doing!

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28

Caitlin didn't go to daycare today.  She spent the day with Ryan and rested a lot.  She even fell asleep in his arms 3 times.  Our little busybody is definitely not herself.  We took her to the doctor, and he actually thinks she looked ok and that now has a cold.  We probably were overreacting with the doctor's visit, but we figured it'd be better to make sure it wasn't anything worse.  We're really hoping she starts feeling better soon. 

March 27

Still not feeling great, but she wanted to get down at Grandmom and Granddad's house and crawl around.  Her favorite thing to do there was walk around the coffee table and transfer to Grandmom's rocking chair from when she was little (on the right side of this picture) and try to chew on the arms of the chair.  Despite not feeling great, she did really well in the car.  Her cry is so sad when she's not feeling well.  She ate one cheerio in the car and wanted nothing else - you know she doesn't feel good when she refuses cheerios!  When we got home, she got sick all over Ryan.  We changed her and she went right to bed.  She was exhausted.

March 26

Happy 10-month birthday, Caitlin!  We had a very eventful day!  We partied at Aunt Alexis' baby shower.  We can't wait to meet Baby Girl Mooney!!  Granddad read Caitlin her new pop-up book.  Ryan and I had a date night (our first since Caitlin was born), and then all the vomiting started.  For the first time, Caitlin was really sick on Saturday night.  She vomited all over herself, Bunny, and the pack n play.  And, of course, this was the weekend that we didn't bring any extra things (extra sheets, sleep sacks, etc.)  Bunny even took a couple baths in the washer this past weekend!  It was so sad.  She even spent part of the night on Saturday night and Sunday morning sleeping on my chest.  That NEVER happens, so we knew she wasn't feeling well.  We think she picked something up at her first day of daycare on Friday (she actually did really well at daycare - no crying until it was naptime and she just ended up sleeping in the swing there). 

March 25

A close-up of the new tooth.  I can't believe she has 6 (!) teeth now!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24

"Please pick me up, Daddy"

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

39 Weeks Old

You turned 39 weeks old on Weds, February 23rd.  Here's a recap in pictures of your 39th week with us!

You knocked over the tower that I built for you.

You went for a ride in your wagon and showed off your fat lip that you got when you fell on the hardwoods.

You checked out something on your leg.

You went for another walk.  You like to hold onto the sides of the wagon.

You hung out with Mom Mom Mom, and I got some really cute pictures of you together!










You tried an ice cube at Grandmom and Granddad's house. 

You played with Granddad's newspaper. 

And threw it on the floor.
More newspaper on the floor.  

You waved it all around.

You sat in Granddad's chair like a big girl.

Daddy tickled you.

You posed for the camera (actually, you were just scratching the back of the chair). 

You checked out your overalls.

And, then you tried to eat them.

You chewed on the toy that Grandmom bought you.
You and Grandmom played with the rubber bouncy ball.

Grandmom built you a tower, and put her thumb on it to hold it still. 

You tried to knock it down, but it wouldn't move because of Grandmom's thumb, and you tried to bite her thumb. 

This was her reaction to you trying to bite her thumb.

You're still thinking about chomping down on that thumb.

Granddad and Daddy installed a gate for you, and you tried to escape.

You climbed up on Daddy while he was trying to take your picture.
You wore Mommy's BGE hardhat.

You played in your walker. Every day, I think you look more and more like Daddy.

You talked to me.

You made a funny face for the camera - I think you may have been talking to me.

You checked out your wagon.

You talked to me some more.

Still talking - you have a lot to say, and you make lots of funny faces!

You tried to chew on your walker.

You talked to me some more.  You are very vocal these days!!

March 23

A super cute picture of my almost 10 (!) month old.  I know I'm totally biased, but I just don't think she could be any cuter.  She also said "Mama" this morning when I was leaving for work.  I'm pretty sure she didn't really know she was talking about me and that she was just making sounds, but that's ok, she still said "Mama"! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More Laughs

This totally made my day.  I love to hear her little laugh! 

March 22

"Look Mom, no hands!"  Since she began crawling, Caitlin has found a new way to carry things.  I love the determination on her face in this picture. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21

We bought Caitlin a musical table that she can pull up on and play with in hopes that it would distract her from all the other things in our house that she shouldn't be playing with.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20

Caitlin bites on anything and everything these days.  We had to put crib rail guards on her crib this weekend because she's been biting on her crib rails at bedtime!  Aside from her trying to bite on the ledge, I think the craziest thing about this picture is that she's actually almost tall enough to reach it!