Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Conversations with Caitlin

Caitlin has started saying some really funny things lately, so I'm going try to start writing them down so I don't forget. 
Overheard tonight while Caitlin was trying to fall asleep:
"To the moon and back" (I have recently started telling her that I love her to the moon and back.)
"Clean up. Clean up.  Everybody clean up."
Chanting the ABC song.
"Big Bird, stop talking and go night-night!"

I realize this wasn't an actual conversation with her, but I think it is hysterical that she told Big Bird to stop talking and go night-night. 

September 13

Leah splashed in the pool. 

Caitlin was the welcoming committee.  We typically got to the beach first, and then the rest of the family would come down shortly after.  As soon as she saw someone coming down the stairs, she'd have to run up and greet them and then walk back with them.  We even got her into the routine of carrying Grandmom's shoes for her. 

Leah played in the pool with the biggest bucket she could find.

Caitlin learned how to wipe the sand off her hands on her bathing suit. 

Ryan made a bunch of "castles" for Caitlin, and she stomped on every one of them.  Clearly, she loved every second of it and thought she was quite funny for doing it. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 12

We started off the morning watching Sesame Street on the iPad.

Caitlin and Daddy shared some candy on the beach. 

Leah had some snacks too while she sat in the big girl chair.  I love her sandy little feet sticking out from under the towel. 

We flew Caitlin's monkey kite.  It was the perfect beach day again!  Not a cloud in the beautiful blue skies! 

September 11

Another beautiful day at the beach. 

The girls started out their day working on their laptops. 

They switched it up a bit.  I love Leah's face in this picture and how bored Caitlin looks. 

Leah played in the ocean. 

As you can see, she absolutely loved it. 

This girl preferred to play in the sand (she wanted nothing to do with the ocean). 

Leah practiced pouring water out of her bucket. 

She was very proud of herself. 

I got a picture with my girl and (shocker!) we both are smiling! 

The girls took a picture with Grandmom, and Leah could not stop hugging Caitlin. 

We got a good picture with Granddad and Leah both waving to the camera! 

Granddad with his girls. 

Grandmom bribed Caitlin with Good and Plenty's to get her to take a picture with her. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Song from Caitlin

Since I'm really behind in posting my daily pictures, I thought I'd post this cute video of Caitlin singing while we were at the beach. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 10

It was a pretty windy day at the beach today, so we spent some time hanging out at the pool before naptime. 


Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 9

Today was a rainy day at the beach, but a rainy day at the beach is better than a "normal" day at home, right?  It actually worked out really well because we didn't feel guilty about hanging out inside to watch football!  In the morning, we went to see the the Currituck Beach Lighthouse, and for a drive on the 4x4 beaches north of where we were staying.
We started off the morning with a little breakfast on the couch (probably watching a movie).  I guess when you're on vacation anything goes. 

Caitlin and Ryan went looking for shells on the 4x4 beach, and she showed me what they found. 

Running off some of that crazy toddler energy on the beach. 

She practiced her jumping with Daddy.  I can't believe I actually caught this one! 

Still jumping.

One more of my little jumping bean. 

Waving to all the cars as they passed us on the beach.  She was so excited when they'd wave back to her.

And then she got a ride on Daddy's shoulders.  That smile on her face makes my heart happy. 

After the girls woke up from their naps, they got to go swimming.  It was a little chilly though, so Leah got to hang out with her Mommy and kept trying to sneak her way back into the pool.  Crazy girl.  Love that smile though! 

And last but not least, before bedtime that night, the girls practiced a little yoga.  Here's their downward facing dog move. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

September 8

First day of fun in the Outer Banks!!


September 7

Lunching with my best girl at Wegman's today. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

September 6

She and Bubby were watching Daddy mowing the lawn.  So sweet - she was so excited when he saw her and came over to give her "high fives" on the window. 

September 5

This girl ate a really good dinner tonight (SEVEN (!) chicken nuggets and 2 helpings of veggies and rice), so she got to have a popsicle!  Notice the bandaid on her finger - she pinched her finger in a marker at school today, and she was acting like she couldn't use that hand for anything other than to suck her thumb. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4

She was telling me that she wanted to call Grandmom.  I told her we could, but she was so upset when I picked up the regular phone to call her instead of opening my laptop to use Skype so we could video chat with them. We did end up Skyping with them, but it's crazy to me how she thinks that Skype is the only technology that was acceptable. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

September 3

My little Super Star! 


Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 2

We went to Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Mike's annual Labor Day picnic today, and of course, we had so much fun.  Caitlin had a great time swimming, swinging and playing on the slide.  In this picture, she's watching the big girls go down the slide into the pool and telling us that she wanted to go down the slide.  And, she did, with Ryan catching her at the bottom!  Oh, and she at her first cupcake today - the actual cake (and not just the icing).  Pretty sure she won't turn them down anymore. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 1

Are these not the cutest kids you've ever seen?!  We tried to have a playdate with Parker at the park tonight, but it got rained out, so we came back to our house to play.  So much fun and so good to see these two reunited again! 

August 31

After a good week at her new school, I picked Caitlin up early to go to the pool.  She spent most of the time eating snacks - for every 5 minutes of swimming, I think we typically get a good 15 minutes of snack time.  Thankfully, the snacks yesterday were leftover apples and carrots from her lunch.