Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31

Happy New Year!! Caitlin has been the sweetest big sister, and the unsolicited love between these two today was absolutely heartwarming.  I even survived a trip to Target and the library with them by myself!

Two words.  Daddy's girl.

Hello there, Messy Face.

December 30

We had a playdate with Logan today.  So much fun!  Caitlin and Logan had so much fun playing together, and Natalie had fun watching all the craziness.  We are so excited that Aunt Becky, Uncle Jordan and Logan are back in Maryland again!!

December 29

I love that we are finally getting to the point where they are starting to sort of play together.

I finally got the chance to take Caitlin to the Ellicott City Fire Dept to see their holiday train display.  This was her reaction when she realized where we were.

This scrunched up nose thing is her new smile... not sure how/when it started, but it cracks me up.

December 28

My girls, nice and clean after bath tonight.

December 27

Chowing down on peppers.  She is the pickiest eater when it comes to meats/seafood, but she'll eat almost any vegetable.

Still waiting for that tooth to pop through, but I can see a white spot on her gums.  She was quite the stinker for Grandmom when Ryan and I took Caitlin to the movies today.  Apparently, she wouldn't take her bottle and was just generally unhappy.  Taking her back to daycare should be fun on Thursday.

I couldn't resist posting this one.  She is going to be my good eater, I just know it.  I love that face all covered in green beans.

December 26

Pretty princesses, hair-do's courtesy of hair stylist, Caitlin.

Such a happy girl even while she's teething and has a silly reindeer on her head.

December 25

Merry Christmas!!

December 24

Sweet girls ready for Christmas Eve Mass.

December 23

The girls' school was closed today, so it was a girls day at our house!

This little stinker had a rough day today.  She slept for a total of 1.5 hours from 7am - 2:30pm.  Pretty sure she's getting some teeth.  She also said her first "word" today - DaDa.  Obviously, there was no meaning behind it, but it's still fun to hear her cute little voice.

December 22

Natalie, wearing a super cute hand-me-down from Leah.  We celebrated Christmas with Nannie and PopPop today - so much fun!

Caitlin and I went outside to blow bubbles after they left, and it was really humid.  I love how curly her hair gets when it's humid outside!

December 21

The weather was awesome today so we took a spontaneous trip to the Baltimore Zoo today.  Love this pic of Caitlin from our ride back on the shuttle.

Natalie liked the zoo too... she especially loved those straps on her stroller.  Everything is in her mouth these days!  I'm looking forward to many more trips to the zoo with them!

Monday, December 30, 2013

December 20

It was Mommy's Night Out tonight, so Caitlin got to watch a show on the iPad.  Lucky girl.

My other sleepy girl.  So sweet.

December 19

Another of my sleepy girl.  Different night, same position.

Hanging out in big sister's bed with the Phanatic this morning.

December 18

No pictures today because I was working late.  :(

December 17

My sweet little Santa this morning.

Sleepy girl.

December 16

Caitlin's best Urkel impression.

Little miss was not at all happy with me that I put her down tonight.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

December 15

We had a holiday breakfast with friends this morning, and Santa came and surprised the kids!  It was so much fun!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Caitlin & Natalie

Caitlin & Natalie - Cheerio
It has been awhile since I posted one of these.  First experience with Cheerios for both girls.  Looking back on what I wrote about Caitlin's experience, she thought we were poisoning her.  Natalie was completely unfazed by it.

This is what happens when you let Caitlin play hair dresser. #caitlinann #thethingswedoforourkids

This is what happens when you let Caitlin play hair dresser. #caitlinann #thethingswedoforourkids (Taken with Instagram)

Friday, December 27, 2013

Frozen movie date with our big girl! #caitlinann

Frozen movie date with our big girl! #caitlinann (Taken with Instagram)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

December 14

Another bagel date with my girl after her haircut today.

6 month pictures, only 2 days late.

December 13

Just hanging out in big sister's bed waiting for her to get dressed this morning.

Pretty girl at her Ice Cream Social holiday party this afternoon!

December 12

Just hanging out on the counter in the kitchen.

Crazy girl, scaling the walls of the counter.

Merry Christmas Eve!!

Merry Christmas Eve!! (Taken with Instagram)

Monday, December 23, 2013

Pretty sure that she's getting teeth for Christmas. #napdodger #natalieclaire

Pretty sure that she's getting teeth for Christmas. #napdodger #natalieclaire (Taken with Instagram)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Natalie - Six Months

Likes: Sleeping, eating, Mommy, watching big sister, your hands (and your thumb but only at bedtime), Sophie, bath time, Daddy, putting everything in your mouth
Dislikes:  The snot sucker, getting your nose wiped, getting your face/hands cleaned
Biggest Achievement of the Month: Sitting unassisted
Biggest Challenge of the Month: Getting you to remember that you can roll back when you're on your belly.  Still working on that one! 
Sleep:  You usually take 3 1-2 hour naps (with an awake period of about 2 hours between).  You typically fall asleep for the night anywhere between 630 and 730pm and wake up any time between 6 - 730am.  You still sleep on your back and once you fall asleep, you sleep with your arms out or above you head.  On the rare occasion, you will roll over to your belly and stay there and sleep really well, but it hardly ever happens.  You are crying less and less when we put you down, usually just a whimper or fuss, and you are sleeping pretty well.  You usually put your thumb in your mouth as soon as we walk out of the room.  We also turn on the seahorse whenever you go to sleep.  
Temperament/Personality: You are generally pretty calm/content/happy and happy to hang out and take everything in.  You really only cry when you're hungry or overtired.  When you're awake and Caitlin is home, you love watching her, and she has started taking an interest in you as well.  You're such a happy girl, always smiling and cooing/talking to us.  You love staring at Daddy until he will pay attention to you, and when he does, you give him the biggest smile. 
Eating: Nursing is still going well.  During the day, you are eating about every 3-4 hours which works out to be 5-6 times a day.  Since you're sleeping through the night (and have been for a while now), you are not usually eating at night.  We've had a few random nights were you have woken up to eat, but it's pretty rare.    We started solids a few days before you turned 6 months.  Your first official food was avocado, but over Thanksgiving weekend, you got a taste of banana and apples.  I was eating a banana during our drive to North Jersey for Thanksgiving, and you were a little fussy, so I thought I would let you have a lick, and you loved it.  I also let you gnaw on an uncooked piece of apple while we were in Blairstown.  Again, no complaints from you.  I am predicting that you will be my good eater.  
The Superficial: Your hair is still dark-ish, but is much thinner in the back and on the sides. You kind of have a mohawk, and I noticed this weekend that you have a little bald spot.  It is still falling out, but seems to be slowing a bit.  We also think that it looks like it's lightening up a little bit, but nowhere near as light as Caitlin's hair.  Your eyes are dark, but I can't really figure out what color they are.  Daddy says they're brown, but I don't agree.  I think eventually they will turn brown though. You are still wearing 3-6 and 6 month clothes this month.  You have rolls on your arms and on your thighs, and I just love it. You are still wearing a size 1 diaper, but as soon as we're done with the current pack, we'll be starting size 2's.  Your stats from your 6 month appt on December 17th are as follows: 

Weight: 14lbs (12th percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (72nd percentile)
Head: 40.5 cm Developmental Milestones: You are pretty good at grabbing your feet, but you can't really get them into your mouth yet.  You can also sit unassisted for brief periods of time, which is awesome.  When you lay on your belly, you are pushing yourself up with your arms like a champ.  You don't get on your knees yet (no idea when that is supposed to happen).  
Out and About: This month was a busy month, mostly because of the big Thanksgiving roadtrip to Clifton, NJ, Roseland, NJ, Blairstown, NJ, Downingtown, PA, and Hershey, PA.  I'm tired just typing that!  Mommy and Daddy also got to go out for adults night out this month while you and Caitlin stayed home with Aunt Val.  You did great.  I think Caitlin was 18 months old before Ryan and I went out without her!  
Favorite Baby Gear: Boppy, burp cloths, activity mat, bouncy seat, rock n play, Ergo 
Big and Little Sister:

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Again, you have Caitlin beat in the hair and weight department (she was 12lbs 5 oz at 6 months).  I'd also say that you both are/were pretty happy babies.  By this point, Natalie can roll back to front and Caitlin couldn't, but Caitlin was a pro at rolling front to back but Natalie hasn't done it since 3 months.

Another great month in the books.  We love you so much and cannot wait to see what the next month brings (and celebrate your first Christmas with you!).

Love you to pieces!

December 11

She was making me "coffee" today at bathtime.  I guess she thought I was tired.

Not thrilled about bedtime tonight.

December 10

All those toys in her playroom, and this is where Caitlin wants to play.

Snow day today!!  We didn't last long, but she still loved it.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

December 9

My sweet girl with Bubby after bath tonight.

Just having some avocado.  No big deal.