Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 20

I can't get over how long her hair is getting! 

February 19

My pretty princess going for a ride around the house tonight.

February 18

This picture doesn't fully capture how much she enjoyed swinging at the indoor playground place!  It was by far her favorite thing to do there. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 17

A little push from Daddy. 

Pure joy. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Beautiful view.

Beautiful view. (Taken with Instagram)

Out for a walk on the beach before dinner.

Out for a walk on the beach before dinner. (Taken with Instagram)

My view.

My view. (Taken with Instagram)

And the sun is finally shining. #lifeisgood

And the sun is finally shining. #lifeisgood (Taken with Instagram)

Quiet solo breakfast this morning. #golfwidow

Quiet solo breakfast this morning. #golfwidow (Taken with Instagram)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dinner tonight! So good!!

Dinner tonight! So good!! (Taken with Instagram)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Seriously?! This just arrived in our room compliments of the hotel?! Love this place!!

Seriously?! This just arrived in our room compliments of the hotel?! Love this place!! (Taken with Instagram)

Now, this I can live with. The rain has stopped (for now) and this is the view for our room!

Now, this I can live with. The rain has stopped (for now) and this is the view for our room! (Taken with Instagram)

Rain rain go away!!

Rain rain go away!! (Taken with Instagram)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 16

Out running errands buying stuff for her new big girl room tonight. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

2 hours past bedtime... Finally asleep. #prayingshesleepsin

2 hours past bedtime... Finally asleep. #prayingshesleepsin (Taken with Instagram)

Somebody got a new room today!

Somebody got a new room today! (Taken with Instagram)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Conversations with Caitlin 2.15.13

Tonight while we were reading a princess ballerina book:
Caitlin: When I grow up to be a princess, I can dance like them.
Me:  You're going to grow up to be a princess?
Caitlin:  Yes, when I grow up to be Cinderelly, I can dance like them. 

Tonight while we were getting ready for bathtime, Caitlin was running around naked, and she found one of my bras from the laundry and put it on.  She runs into the big girl room where Ryan was working. 
Caitlin:  Daddy, look!  I have Mommy's boobies on! 

February 15

Playing with her Thomas trains tonight after dinner. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14

One more of my cutie on Valentine's Day! 

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day!! (Taken with Instagram)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 13

Someone got a new stamp tonight and went a little stamp-crazy.  Those red marks on her face = stamps.  She also had it all over her legs and arms.  Good thing it's bath night!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12

New obsession #1: Hanging her shirts/dresses up on their hangers all by herself.  This is progress, people.  She's going to be doing her own laundry any day now.

New obsession #2:  Hiding in her closet from Mommy. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11

Happy to finally get a brownie because she ate all her dinner! 

22 Weeks

How far along: 22 Weeks, 1 Day (22 Weeks with Caitlin)

Size of baby: a papaya, about 8 inches in length and 1.2lbs  according to What to Expect.

Cravings this week: still loving my cup of coffee in the mornings, brownies with vanilla ice cream, and banana pancakes.  Definitely over the obsession with Wheat chex with milk and bananas.

Weight Gain: As of my last doctor's appt on January 23rd, 6lbs (I'm just going to go with what the doctor's scale says because that's easiest).

What I love: The belly, the kicks (and random hiccups).  Being in the honeymoon phase and having more energy while not feeling too big. 

What I'm looking forward to the most: Finishing Caitlin's big girl room.  Her furniture is getting delivered on Saturday. 

What is different this time around: Definitely the size of my belly.

Sleep: No issues in this department. I'm still up every night usually 2-3 times to pee around 1:30/2 and definitely 5/515, but I usually have no problems falling back to sleep. I slept in the guest room for most of this week, and I have to say, it is kind of nice to not hear Ryan's snoring.  However, I moved back in on Saturday night, and I am happy to be back in our bed. 

Symptoms: Heartburn, but I've had a few days where it actually wasn't too terrible.  Stuffy nose - this has actually been going on for a while.    

Movement: Yes!  I even felt it on the outside a few times this week. 

The belly: Basketball-ish and my belly button seems to be flattening and getting more shallow pretty quickly. I feel like it took much longer for this to happen with Caitlin.

Boy or Girl: We'll find out in June

Best moment of the week: Attending a baby shower for a good friend.  So much fun and awesome to see some friends from high school.   Low point of the week:  Caitlin telling me that she liked Daddy better.  (Ouch!)

Worries this week: Worrying about how Caitlin is going to handle her world being turned upside down.  Feeling guilty that she won't have as much attention once the new baby is here (even though I truly believe that having a brother or sister is an amazing gift for her). 

"Amusing" Comments: At the baby shower for a friend who is due March 26th, I was asked if I was due around the same time as her.  To which I replied "Oh, I'm due 3 months later than her."  Also, not heard this week, but earlier in my pregnancy I was asked "Are you sure the doctor got your due date right?  Are you sure you're not further along?"  I know you show more/show quicker with your 2nd pregnancy, but wow! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

February 10

She was telling me who was riding in her bus (Caitlin, Mommy, Daddy and Parker).  She had just said Parker which is why she has such a big smile on her face. 

February 9

So engrossed with Cinderella when I left to go to Melissa's baby shower this morning. 

February 8

Another sleeping picture because sometimes that's all I can get.  She does looks so sweet and innocent when she's sleeping too. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

21 Weeks


How far along: 21 Weeks, 1 Day (21 Weeks with Caitlin)

Size of baby: a large banana, about 7 inches in length and almost 11 ounces according to What to Expect. 
Cravings this week: Wheat chex with milk and bananas, Cinnamon Chip muffins from Giant, still loving my cup of coffee in the mornings
Previous cravings include: V8 + Old Bay, Bread and Butter pickles (the sweet ones), Chipped Beef Gravy over pancakes (for a few weeks around Christmas, I couldn't get enough!)
Weight Gain:  As of my last doctor's appt on January 23rd, 6lbs (I'm just going to go with what the doctor's scale says because that's easiest). 
What I love: The belly, the kicks, knowing the baby is healthy (our big ultrasound was January 23rd).
What I'm looking forward to the most: Finishing Caitlin's big girl room and getting her all set up in her big girl bed.  (This is mostly Ryan's job.  So far, it looks amazing!)
What is different this time around: Definitely the size of my belly.  I feel like I am weeks ahead (size-wise) from where I was with Caitlin.  Obviously, having a toddler to take care of this time (last time, I could nap whenever I wanted, sleep in, etc). 
Sleep: No issues in this department. I'm up every night usually 2-3 times to pee around 1:30/2 and definitely 5/515, but I usually have no problems falling back to sleep.  I've also been sleeping in the guest room since Ryan got sick because I'm so paranoid about getting sick. 
Symptoms: Heartburn, heartburn and heartburn. I think sometimes I may have a little sciatica pain, but it's very sporadic and not all that painful, just uncomfortable. Some random tightness in my belly (guessing early BH contractions), but nothing I can't live with. I am totally am in the honeymoon phase, and other than the heartburn, I have no complaints.  

Previous symptoms: Since I'm not going back to do the weekly surveys for my previous weeks, I thought it would be worth mentioning my previous symptoms here. The first trimester was ROUGH. Exhaustion, nausea, mood swings, constipation... if it comes with the first trimester, I think I had it. I had nausea with Caitlin, but this time, it was much worse. There were many days that I couldn't even function at work, but I finally got some good drugs to help me through. I finally started feeling better around 13-14 weeks, thank goodness!  Thankfully, Ryan was super dad/husband during the first trimester and took care of everything else in our life (Caitlin, cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc.).
Movement: Yes!  I forgot how weird it feels the first time it happens, but I'm starting to get used to it. 
The belly: Basketball-ish and my belly button seems to be flattening and getting more shallow pretty quickly.  I feel like it took much longer for this to happen with Caitlin. Right now, I think I am carrying exactly the same as I did with Caitlin.  
Boy or Girl: We'll find out in June
Best moment of the week: Ryan finishing mostly painting Caitlin's big girl room.  Low point of the week:  Caitlin having a UTI, and Ryan picking up some nasty sickness, probably from our little petri dish (aka Caitlin). 
Worries this week: Nothing really related to the pregnancy.  I think I was more concerned with my sick family and the fact that I was getting my butt kicked at work.  Thankfully, it seems that we're turning the corner a little bit on both fronts. 

Better Late Than Never

Despite the look on her face, Caitlin is very excited to announce that she's going to be a big sister in June 2013!  We found out October 13, 2012 that I was pregnant!!  Earlier that week, I had a feeling that I might be pregnant, so I just decided to take a test that weekend and see what it said.  Surprise surprise, it was positive!  There was no big reveal to Ryan.  I think I just ended up leaving it on his sink in the bathroom for him to find.  The second child syndrome has already started... poor kid!  Caitlin told both of our families at Thanksgiving with her shirt (above) that says "This little turkey is going to be a big sister!! June 2013" Needless to say, we are very excited! 

February 7

She requested ponytails today, so I had to take a picture of how cute she looked! 

February 6

My beautiful girl, happy and excited to go to school today.  See those gold sparkly shoes?  They are by far, her favorite shoes right now! 

February 5

She was mad at me tonight when I put her to bed because I closed her door halfway, and she wanted me to keep it open.  When I didn't open it all the way, she threw every.single.thing that was in her crib out of her crib.  This is how I found her when I went to bed.  I guess she was trying to use Bubby as a blanket.  I covered her up with her blankets after I took this picture. 


Ponytails! (Taken with Instagram)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Love it when she sleeps like this.

Love it when she sleeps like this. (Taken with Instagram)

Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4

Crazy girl loves running up and down the upstairs hallway as fast as she possibly can.  On a side note, I was sitting downstairs doing some work while I listened to her trying to fall asleep tonight, and she started calling for Daddy like something was wrong.  Since he was already in bed because he's still not feeling great, I went upstairs to check on her, and she had Bubby (her bunny lovey) stuffed up her shirt with his head sticking out of the neck of the shirt.  When I asked her what was wrong, she says "I have a baby in my tummy."  Life is never dull with this kid.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 3

This silly monkey loves laundry day and bananas.  And yes, those are still Christmas PJs (she loves those too!). 

February 2

Someone was a little nap dodger today.  She spent the hour and a half in her crib taking her pants and panties off and putting her panties on back over her pants.  So, what did we do?

We went swimming!!  She loved every minute of it, and probably spent a good 20-30 minutes climbing out of the pool and jumping back in over and over. 

February 1

Tired of my incessant picture taking at dinner time. 

January 31

"Yes, Daddy?"  Love that face and the fact that we are done with diapers during the day!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

My little helper at the grocery store this morning!

My little helper at the grocery store this morning! (Taken with Instagram)