Monday, March 29, 2010

30 Weeks

According to What to Expect, BGL is about 17 inches long and just over 3 pounds this week.  She is getting bigger by the day (in case it's not apparent from the size of my growing belly).  Also getting bigger daily is her brain which is preparing for life outside the womb - and a lifetime of learning.  Starting this week, BGL's brain is starting to actually look like one, taking on those characteristic grooves and indentations.  These wrinkles allow for future expansion of brain tissue that is crucial as BGL goes from helpless newborn to responsive infant and beyond.  Her brain is also starting to take on tasks previously delegated to other parts of the body, like temperature regulation.  Now that the brain is capable of turning up the heat with the help of that growing supply of baby fat, BGL will start shedding lanugo (the downy, soft body hair that has been keeping her warm up to this point). 

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 30 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 9.5 lbs
Sleep: Ugh. I'm back to having some good nights and some not so good nights. It is getting increasingly harder to get comfortable, and it seems as though I'm getting out of bed more often to use the bathroom.
Best Moment This Week: Spending a great relaxing long weekend at the Greenbriar Resort.  Ryan finally seeing BGL move.  Narrowing the list of names down to the Elite 8.
Gender: Team Pink
Movement: Yes, all the time.  It's pretty amazing (except when it feels like she's jumping on my bladder).
Food Cravings:  Nothing in particular - I just like to eat.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach. My ankles. Not having sausages for fingers when I wake up. Being able to see my feet - my stomach is blocking most of the view now.
What I am Looking Forward To: Celebrating with our friends and family at my baby shower in a few weeks!
Symptoms: The ever-changing belly button (it's still holding on though, no outie yet). Lots of heartburn. Swollen ankles/feet/hands. I am starting to feel a little more tired, but not nearly as bad as it was in the beginning. Carpal tunnel syndrome - most nights, I wake up with numb/burning hands. Not fun!

The Weekly Bump Picture:


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