Monday, March 15, 2010

28 Weeks

I am kind of in disbelief that I've started my 7th month of pregnancy. That means I have 12 weeks left - 84 days!! According to What to Expect, at week 28, BGL has reached 2.5 pounds and may be almost 16 inches long.  Her skill this week is blinking.  Along with her other tricks that already include coughing, sucking, hiccupping, and taking practice breaths, she can now blink her sweet little eyes.  She may also be dreaming courtesy of REM sleep that she has started getting.  Although her lungs are nearly fully mature by now, she still has a lot of growing to do. 

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 28 Weeks
Total Weight Gain:  Still 7.5 lbs, but I have a doctors appointment this week, so there will be an updated amount in next week's post.
Sleep: Still not too bad, other than my hips hurting and some occasional leg cramps.  I occasionally wake up and have trouble falling back to sleep, but I feel like I am sleeping a lot better than a few weeks ago.
Best Moment This Week:  Getting an invitation to my baby shower.  I am so excited to see all of our family and friends and celebrate with them!!
Gender: Team Pink
Movement: Yep. She's a fiesty little girl.
Food Cravings:  Anything sweet, but I am trying my hardest to lay off the sweets this week because I have my glucose test for gestational diabetes on Thursday.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach. My ankles. Not having sausages for fingers when I wake up. Being able to wear normal shirts.  After seeing the picture below, I have come to the conclusion that I should not be wearing that shirt in public as it's starting to barely cover my growing belly. 
What I am Looking Forward To: Finishing the nursery. Ryan has been working so hard to get it finished.  I can't wait to see the finished product! 
Symptoms: The ever-changing belly button. Heartburn. Swollen ankles/feet/hands.  I am starting to feel a little more tired, but not nearly as bad as it was in the beginning.  

The Weekly Bump Picture:

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