Monday, March 8, 2010

27 Weeks

According to What to Expect When You're Expecting, BGL now weighs just over 2 pounds and is 15 inches long.  No, she didn't grow 6 inches from Week 26 to Week 27.  Prior to week 27, What to Expect measured her from crown to rump instead of head to toe, so she now measures 15 inches from head to toe.  She has more taste buds now than she will at birth and beyond.  Not only is she able to taste the difference in the amniotic fluid when I eat different foods, she might even react to it.  Some babies respond to spicy foods by hiccupping or by kicking when they get that spicy kick.  BGL's lungs are going through some major developments these days, which (combined with the opening of previously plugged nostrils) means she's now able to practice inhaling and exhaling. The lack of air in my womb means every "breath" is filled with amniotic fluid, but it's still progress.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 27 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 7.5 lbs
Sleep: Not too bad, other than my hips hurting and some occasional leg cramps. 
Best Moment This Week:  Ryan feeling her move!!  Spending the weekend with my 2 favorite New Yorkers! 
Gender: Team Pink
Movement: Yep.  Some of her movements startle me because they're so strong.
Food Cravings: Anything with avocado.  Water. 
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach.  My ankles.  Not having sausages for fingers when I wake up. 
What I am Looking Forward To: Finishing the nursery.  Ryan started it this weekend while I was away and so far, it looks great!
Weekly Wisdom: Again, I've got nothing. 
Symptoms: The ever-changing belly button.  Heartburn.  Swollen ankles/feet/hands. 

The Weekly Bump Picture:

And, for fun, Becky was playing maternity photographer this weekend and took these pictures:

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