Monday, March 1, 2010

26 Weeks

We've reached week 26 and have less than 100 days until June 7th!  According to What to Expect When You're Expecting, BGL now weighs a full 2 pounds and measures in at 9-plus inches long.  Another momentous development this week:  Her eyes are beginning to open.  The eyelids have been fused for the past few months so that the retina, the part of the eye that allows images to come into focus, could develop.  The colored part of the eye (the iris) still doesn't have much pigmentation so it's too early to tell what her eye color will be.  She is now able to see - though there's not much to see in the dark confines of my uterus.  With the heightened sense of sight and hearing that she now possesses, I may notice an increase in activity when she sees a bright light or hears a loud noise.  In fact, if a loud noise is brought close to my belly, she will respond by blinking and startling. 

And, because BGL was particularly active last night when I went to bed, I thought I'd include this excerpt from an email that I received from yesterday:

Week 26 Pregnancy Tip: Baby's Movements in the Womb

Feel like you're carrying the Karate Kid with all the kicking going on? Your baby is actually practicing all kinds of movements that will eventually be used in life on the outside — including pedaling against your belly, a sort of prewalking skill. As your baby's nervous system becomes more developed, the movements will become much more coordinated. And as the baby gets bigger and stronger, the movements will become much more powerful…and occasionally, even painful to you. If your baby lands a good one, that tiny left hook might hurt — a lot. Another trick he or she may try — stretching that leg out so far that the foot becomes lodged between your ribs (ouch). Next time you come under attack from the karate kid, try changing positions or doing some stretches of your own. You can also gently push your baby back with your hand when your knee-jerker jerks a little too hard. You just might be able to send your slugger back into the corner of the ring!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 7.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes:  Yes.  This answer isn't going to change so I'll be removing this one going forward.  
Sleep: I'm kind of scared that I'm going to jinx myself, but sleep over the last week or so has gotten a little better.  Maybe it's because we're crossing things off the list and I feel less stressed about getting everything done before she arrives.  
Best Moment This Week:  Picking up the nursery furniture.  
Gender:  Team Pink
Movement: Yep.  Last night, it felt like her leg/arm was going to push through my skin.  
Food Cravings: Same as last week.  Does water count?  I feel like I'm constantly thirsty.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach.
What I am Looking Forward To: Seeing my 2 favorite New Yorkers this weekend.
Weekly Wisdom: I've got nothing this week.
Symptoms:  My belly button is changing/flattening more each week.  Heartburn. 

The Weekly Bump Picture:

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