Friday, April 19, 2013

31 Weeks

How far along: 31 Weeks, 2 Days (31 Weeks with Caitlin)

Size of baby: 18 inches in length and 3+ lbs, according to What to Expect.

Cravings this week: still loving my cup of coffee in the mornings.  Snickers ice cream bars.

Weight Gain: As of my doctor's appt on April 1st, 16lbs (I'm just going to go with what the doctor's scale says because that's easiest).

What I love: Comfy maternity clothes. Hearing Caitlin talk about her sister and all the things she's going to do with her.  She is convinced that the baby is a girl, even going as far as saying that "her sister is not going to like her yellow room because girls need to have a pink room". 

What I'm looking forward to the most: Starting to really look forward to meeting this kid. 

What is different this time around: Definitely the size of my belly, and apparently, I am sleeping much better than last time. At this point last time, my ankles and fingers were swelling all the time.   I think I am a little more uncomfortable this time. 

Sleep: No issues in this department. I'm still up every night usually 2-4 times to pee around 1:30/2 and definitely 5/515 (like clockwork), but I usually have no problems falling back to sleep. It is starting to get a little harder to turn over and/or get out of bed though.

Symptoms: Heartburn. Occasional sore hips and legs and just tired in general. Random leg cramps when I flex my feet/ankles at night. Exhaustion - I feel like I am definitely more tired this time around. I'm sure having an almost 3 year old at home isn't helping with the exhaustion. Random pain in my back and my belly, not contractions though. I think it's more from my belly stretching or over-doing it physically. Thankfully, the heating pad has helped with the pain. 

Movement: Yes! All the freaking time, and I'm getting some good kicks to the bladder (not fun). The babe also seems to get the hiccups at least 2-3 times a day. 

The belly: Still pretty big, and my belly button flattens even more each week. Starting to hurt a little (see symptoms above).

Boy or Girl: We'll find out in June

Best moment of the week:  Passing my gluccose test!  Celebrating my dad's 70th birthday!!

Worries this week: Starting to get a little worried about labor/delivery.  

"Amusing" Comments: Nothing this week.

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