Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Where Does the Time Go?

Has it really been 8 months since our wedding?! Crazy. I know I've been neglecting the blog. Truth is, I just haven't had any motivation to update it. I always told myself I wouldn't be one of those brides who was depressed after the wedding was over, and I can't really say that I was actually depressed. In fact, even though we had an amazing wedding day, I was really happy that all the stress of planning and decision-making was over, BUT I still kind of felt like something was missing. I honestly didn't know what to do with myself. So, after the months of diet and exercise before the wedding, I gave myself some time to remember what good food tasted like (you know, the not-so-good for you stuff), stopped the gym routine and I learned how to knit! You know the whole letting yourself go now that your married phase. Lucky for Ryan, I think that phase has passed and I have returned to the gym and am back to eating a little better (with the exception of all the yummy Southern food that I had this past weekend in South Carolina - more to come on that later). Now that the weather has started getting better and the rain seems to have moved on at least for now, things are back to normal (whatever that is). I think I may even try to do some wedding day and honeymoon recaps. I know most of the people who read this were at the wedding, but I'd like to write some of this down so I'll be able to go back and read it someday in addition to watching the wedding DVD (which is really entertaining)! So keep checking back, there should definitely be more posts than what you've seen over the past 8 months!

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