Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Drumroll, Please....

So... Ryan and I have a big announcement to make. We are so excited to announce that there will be a new addition to our little family. This is something that I have been thinking about for months, and I could not be more excited. Ryan, while excited, is a little hesitant about this new arrival. Scroll down for a picture of our addition that will be arriving soon.


What? You didn't think I was going to say I was pregnant, did you?

This post is dedicated to Aunt Sue who told me she was happy that I am keeping the blog going so I can post our next big announcement. I assumed that she meant the next big announcement would be that we're having a baby, and I jokingly told her that the next big announcement would be that we're buying a DSLR. Well, it's true. We are buying a DSLR, and I am very excited about it!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

DH has the rebel XTI, and he LOVES it!

You are going to adore this camera...seriously. We have a bunch of the lenses too.

Oh, and I thought maybe you were going to say a puppy!