Monday, September 19, 2011

September 13

She is too funny.  Everytime I pick up the camera lately, she runs toward me so I have a lot of shots with her closer than normal.  Today was a good day.  We spent the day at the beach, and she went in the water with Ryan and Granddad.  We also took her to the arcade where she rode 2 little rides and played skee ball and bowling with Ryan.  Near the arcade is a nice park, and we hung out there for a while - Caitlin went on the swings and went down the slide by herself!  Ryan and I were supposed to have date night tonight (Caitlin stayed home with Aunt Alexis and Grandmom), but as soon as our dinner came out, I was feeling sick.  I don't know if it was something that I ate or what, but I did not feel well!  As Ryan said later in the week, "that was the most expensive takeout ever" because we ended up taking our meals to go. I was sick all night and so was Ryan, but we finally started feeling a little better by lunchtime the next day.  It is no fun to be sick while you're on vacation!!

I thought this picture was most appropriate because Little Miss Overachiever cut her first tooth (bottom middle left popped first and then the right one showed up) while we were at the beach.  It was a big week for Leah!! 

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