Monday, May 3, 2010

35 Weeks

We've reached a milestone!  I'm at 35 weeks with 35 days to go until my due date.  According to What to Expect, BGL stands tall this week.  If she could stand, she'd be about 20 inches and continues to follow the 1/2-pound-a-week plan, weighing in at about 5 1/2 pounds.  While growth will taper off when it comes to height (the average full-termer is born at about 20 inches), BGL will continue to pack on the pounds until delivery day.  Seomthing else she'll be packing on in the few weeks that remain are brain cells.  Brain development continues at a mind-boggling pace, making her a little on the top-heavy side.  Speaking of tops, it's likely that she has settled into a head-down, bottoms-up position (I'm not sure I agree with this since I can feel her hiccups under or near my ribs most of the time). 

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 35 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 20.5 lbs
Sleep: Not a huge change from last week. I am happy that for the most part, other than waking up with burning hands or needing to use the bathroom (every hour), I am sleeping ok.
Best Moment This Week: My second baby shower!  This little girl is so lucky to have so many people that are excited for her arrival! 
Movement: The movement has slowed down a little bit as she is starting to run out of room, but when she does move, sometimes it's a little painful.
Food Cravings: No real cravings this week, I still just like to eat.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach. My ankles. Hands that don't go numb/start burning every few minutes. My wedding rings!
What I am Looking Forward To: Meeting this little girl.   Getting rid of this stupid headcold that I picked up this weekend!!
Symptoms: The ever-changing belly button (it has started to pop). Lots of heartburn. Swollen ankles/feet/hands. Definitely feeling more tired. Carpal tunnel syndrome - my hands are pretty much numb and/or burning all the time. I also think I have started having Braxton-Hicks contractions (the practice ones) - they're not really painful, just uncomfortable. Weird dreams.  I have had 2 different dreams that I've slept through BGL's birth and woken up to find her in my arms!

The Weekly Bump Picture:

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