Monday, February 15, 2010

24 Weeks

I cannot believe I'm starting my sixth month this week.  Pretty unbelievable - June 7th will be here before we know it.  I'm excited, but also feeling a little overwhelmed/anxious about how much there is to do and how soon it will be that she'll be here.  According to What to Expect, she's about 1.5 lbs and about 8.5 inches long (clearly, they have different opinions on this than The Bump, but for now, I'm going with what What to Expect says).  She is the size of a standard letter and is gaining about 6 ounces each week.  Much of her weight is coming from accumulating baby fat, as well as from growing organs, bones and muscle.  By now, her face is fully formed, complete with a full set of eyelashes, eyebrows and a good sprinkling of hair on her head.  Right now, her hair is snow white, since there's no pigment in it just yet. 

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 24 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 1.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Everyday
Sleep: Some nights are good, some nights not so much
Best Moment this Week: Ordering furniture for the nursery and my first prenatal massage (it was wonderful!!)
Gender: TEAM PINK!!
Movement: Yep.  I can see her moving on the outside more often and her kicks/punches/hiccups/jabs (whatever they are) are getting stronger. 
Food Cravings: Breakfast food. Anything with bacon makes me happy. I finally got some cinnamon rolls!
What I miss: Sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to: Ryan finally feeling her move. Seeing my family for brunch on Sunday.  Picking out a paint color for the nursery.
Weekly Wisdom:  Deep breaths are helpful for dealing with stressful people (i.e. our auditors). 
Symptoms: Thankfully, still feeling pretty good except for my sleeping issues and heartburn

The Weekly Bump Picture:

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