Monday, February 8, 2010

23 Weeks

No new fruit picture from The Bump this week, but here's a little info on what Baby Girl LeNoir is up to.  According to What to Expect When You're Expecting, BGL's skin is a bit saggy, hanging loosely from her little body because skin grows faster than fat develops, and she doesn't have much fat to fill that skin out yet.  No worries though - the fat is about to start catching up.  Beginning this week, she will begin to pack on the pounds, which means I will too.  Right now, she's about 8 inches long and weighs just over a pound, but in the next month, she'll double the weight she is now!  Thankfully, I won't double my weight over the next month.  Her organs and bones can still be seen through the skin, which has a red hue thanks to the developing blood veins and arteries just underneath, but as the fat deposits are made, she'll start to become less transparent. 

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 23 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 1.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Everyday
Sleep: Some nights are good, some nights not so much
Best Moment this Week: Getting snowed in and having a relaxing weekend at home.
Gender: TEAM PINK!!
Movement: Yep.  Sometimes I can even seen her moving on the outside.  I also am wondering if some of these movements are hiccups - either way, it's pretty cool to feel her move!
Food Cravings: Breakfast food. Anything with bacon makes me happy.  Also, cinnamon rolls (like the Pillsbury ones) and a craving for Long John Silvers the other day (disgusting and completely unhealthy, I know, but I think I might have to find one to satisfy this craving).
What I miss: Sleeping comfortably.
What I am looking forward to: My first prenatal massage that was re-scheduled for this weekend!  Hopefully, the snow doesn't interfere with my pampering.  Ryan finally feeling her move.  Everytime he puts his hand on my stomach, she stops moving.
Weekly Wisdom: Again, I've got nothing this week. 
Symptoms: Thankfully, still feeling pretty good except for my sleeping issues and heartburn (I am beginning to think we should buy stock in Tums).

The Weekly Bump Picture:


1 comment:

About Me said...

Oh my gosh, you look SO cute!!! I found you through Towanda's blog and I am so excited to be able to track your progress. Hope you don't mind I linked to you from mine. It's how I keep track!!

Miss seeing you daily!