Thursday, August 4, 2011

August 4

The weather was so nice tonight that we went outside to play for a bit after dinner.  She loved playing with Ryan!

Edited to add:  I meant to write about this, but I forgot earlier, so I'm just adding it to the daily post.  Caitlin and I went to pick up our CSA food today after I picked her up from school.  She was walking around while I gathered all our food, and she picked up a nectarine from the box.  I had already gotten our nectarines, so I put hers back and gave her the one from our bag.  She walked around holding it for a while, but at some point, she decided she needed to taste it (usually, she has slices of fruit like peaches or apples and has never just taken a bite of them, so this was a new experience for her!).  I didn't get a chance to take a picture of her actually eating the nectarine, but I did get pictures of how well she ate the nectarine (not that anyone actually cares - I really just want this for the memory book).



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