Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ten Months Old

You turned 10 months old on Saturday, March 26th.  I am super late posting this because the last couple weeks have been really hectic and crazy, but better late than never, right?   The last month was another great month!  You are growing like crazy, and every day when I look at you, I realize that you are changing from a baby to a little girl.  I just can't believe how fast you are growing up!  You are still wearing size 3 diapers and you are wearing mostly all 9 months clothes.  Some of your 6 month clothes still fit, so you still wear those sometimes too. 

You are doing pretty well eating. You are getting 4-5 bottles of breastmilk, totaling 20 - 22 oz, and you are eating 3 meals of solids. You still LOVE cheerios and puffs and basically any snack. Some days, you won't eat anything but them!  You also are still opposed to touching anything that is soft and wet (i.e the fruit that we have given you for finger foods), but we are going to keep trying. You have a sippy cup with breastmilk with breakfast in the morning and then you get water in your sippy cup with your other meals. 

So, what are you up to these days?  I'm going with a list this month because there is so much to talk about.
  • You are no longer doing the army crawl and are now crawling for real (on your hands and knees).
  • You are pulling up on everything and crusing around the furniture from the couch to the coffee table to the ottoman to your exersaucer, basically anything you can reach! 
  • You have also realized that falling down on your butt is ok, and it is the easiest way to get to the floor so you can crawl to whatever you want.
  • You pull yourself up in your crib all the time, even when you're wearing your sleep sack.  You are very talented.
  • You bite on everything, including but not limited to the coffee table, the sides of your bathtub, the handles on the entertainment center, the zipper on your sleep sack, the ottoman, the buckle on your highchair, bunny, and sometimes my shirt.
  • You now have 6 teeth with numbers 5 and 6 showing up this month!
  • After your 9 month appointment, we realized that you were almost too tall for your infant carseat, so we made the transition to the convertible rear-facing carseat, and you've done great so far.
  • You tried graham crackers for the first time, and you love them.
  • You enjoy pushing your stroller down the hallway upstairs and in our bedroom.
  • You love books!  Some of your favorite books right now are Goodnight Moon, I Love You Through and Through, The Going to Bed Book, Goodnight, Good Morning, and any other lift the flap books.
  • You have also started turning the pages for us when we read your books to you!  
  • You don't play in your exersaucer much, but when you do, you love jumping in it and pushing all the buttons.
  • This month, you also started throwing bunny and/or the seahorse out of the crib, sometimes multiple times.  Sometimes it's on purpose, but sometimes bunny just slips out of your hand when you're standing up and holding him.  You get really upset when this happens.
  • You have started making the "ma" sound, and I think you even said "Mama" once or twice.  Of course, I don't think you knew that I am "Mama". 
  • You are starting to find things funny and know what to do to make us laugh.  It's so cute to watch you try to make us laugh, and you are so proud of yourself when you get us to react or laugh at you.
  • When we tell you "no" (usually when you're trying to bite on the coffee table), you just laugh at us.  It also seems like sometimes you know when you aren't supposed to be doing things and you will look right at us and smile right before you do it. 
  • You are really into cause and effect right now.  You especially like to drop things and watch them fall to the ground.
  • You spent your first night away from me when I went to Aunt Becky's bachelorette party.  We both survived, but I missed you terribly.
  • You love it when we build towers with your blocks so you can knock them down. 
  • You love emptying things - bags, laundry baskets, toy baskets, etc. This will keep you entertained for at least 10-15 minutes, and that's a very long time these days.
  • You transitioned from 3 to 2 naps this month.  Your naps range from an hour to an hour and a half each. 
  • This was your last month at Daddy Daycare because Daddy got a new job and started on April 4th.  You spent half a day at daycare the day before you turned 10 months old.  You came down with an awful stomach bug the next day on your 10-month birthday!  It was awful.  I'll talk about your transition to daycare in your 11-month post. 
  • You are still sleeping through the night, usually about 11-12 hours. 
  • You suck your thumb all the time, and bunny is usually close by.  I think you are the cutest thumb sucker I've ever seen. 
Another amazing month has passed way too quickly, but we are enjoying every minute with you.  We love you so much and are so proud to be your Mommy and Daddy.  We can't wait to see what the next month will bring! 

Love you like no other,

Here are your 10-month pictures with your bear (these were actually taken when you were 10 months and 8 days old since you were sick and you can tell that you lost some weight from month 9 to month 10.  We are slowly working on getting those cute chubby cheeks and legs back!):



For comparison, here you are at 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and zero months:

















A few outtakes:
Looking at Daddy. 

Daddy thought it'd be fun to let you stand up.

I love that you can see those beautiful eyelashes in this one!

This is proof that you will lunge and grab for pretty much anything!



Some 5 month outtakes (clearly Daddy had a hard time getting you to sit still for these pictures):

Such a lady...  I think you've been spending a little too much quality time with Daddy! :)


















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