Thursday, September 9, 2010

14 Weeks Old

Caitlin, you turned 14 weeks old on September 1st!  It's so hard to believe that it's already September!  Here's the recap of your 14th week in pictures!

You watched TV with Daddy.  I love how you both have the same look on your faces!  You are definitely like Daddy when it comes to your love of TV.

You turned 3 months old and sat on the chair like a big girl (with Daddy's help).

You practiced tummy time. 

You were Baby Houdini again.  This is how Daddy found you when he went to get you up after a nap while Mommy was at work. He texted me a picture of you like this and it made me laugh out loud.

You read a magazine with Daddy.  It must have been very interesting.


You posed for my camera after I put a bow in your hair.

We tried another bow, but you weren't too sure about it.  This is the best picture I got of you with the pink bow.

Here you are watching TV again.  You were mesmerized.  Don't worry, we don't let you watch TV all the time.  You mostly get to watch sports and the food network.

I finally got you to look at me!

Hanging with Daddy one morning.

One night you were particularly fussy, so we put you in the Bjorn and decided to go for a walk.  Daddy was still cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, so you and I started walking.  By the time Daddy caught up to us, you were passed out. 

You sat in Daddy's chair like a big girl.  I think you look so cute in these pictures!!


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