Sunday, November 3, 2013

Natalie - Four Months

(written October 12, 2013)
Likes: Sleeping, eating, Mommy, watching big sister, your hands, Sophie
Dislikes:  Bottles (when you first started daycare, but that has gotten much better)
Biggest Achievement of the Month: Getting you to take a bottle at daycare. 
Biggest Challenge of the Month: Getting you to take a bottle at daycare.  I will be honest, this was 100% my fault.  Because nursing has been so easy with you, we only gave you four bottles while I was out on maternity leave (and you protested two of them).  We have since turned the corner on this one, and you are taking a bottle with no problems, but I was definitely stressed about this in the beginning.  
Things that Work: Patting your butt.  No surprise there - your sister loved this too. Going for a car ride or stroller ride, but god forbid we stop.  Clearly, you love movement.  You like to rock in the rocking chair in your room too.  
Sleep:  You are generally sleeping about 2-3 hours during the day (with an awake period of about an hour to an hour and a half between naps), and we're still using the swaddle.  You typically fall asleep for the night anywhere between 630 and 8pm and wake up anytime between 6 - 730am.  Daycare is wearing you out!  
Temperament/Personality: You are generally pretty calm/content and happy to hang out and take everything in.  You really only cry when you're hungry or overtired or when you lose your pacifier.  When you're awake and Caitlin is home, you love watching her, and she has started taking an interest in you as well.  You're such a happy girl, always smiling and cooing/talking to us.  You're teachers have even commented to us about how laid back and chill you are.  I guess you have to be with how dramatic your big sister can be at times.  
Eating: Nursing is still going well.  During the day, you are eating about every 3-4 hours which works out to be 5-6 times a day.  
The Superficial: Your hair is still dark but we have noticed a definite change in thickness this month.  The top is still pretty thick, but the sides and back are much thinner this month.  No huge bald spots, but it is much thinner. Your eyes are still a dark grayish blue, and I am predicting that they will turn brown. You've been mostly wearing 3-6 and 6 month clothes this month.  You can still fit into your 3 month clothes, but the pants are a little short so we've moved up to the next size.  We also don't have a ton of warm 3 month clothes since Caitlin didn't move up to 6 month clothes until she was much closer to 6 months.  Since the weather changed in the last week or so, we have started using the 3-6 and 6 month clothes much more. You have rolls on your arms and on your thighs, and I just love it. You are still wearing a size 1 diaper.  Here are your measurements from your 4-month well visit on October 21st:
Weight:  12 lbs, 10 oz. (14th percentile)
Height: 25 inches (63rd percentile)
Head circumference: 39.5 cm (14th percentile)
You are bigger than your sister was at this age, but still kind of a peanut.  You dropped percentiles between 2- and 4-months, but because Caitlin did the same thing, the doctor was not worried at all.  She thinks that you are just resetting yourself, so we'll see where we stand at your 6-month appointment.
Developmental Milestones: You can finally get your hands in our mouth consistently, and you have started reaching for toys and grabbing them.  You are Grabby McGrabberson, grabbing ahold of anything and everything you can get your hands on.  And, most of the time, the things you are grabbing make it into your mouth.  You also laughed for the first time (for Grandmom, of course) while we were on vacation with them in OBX.  Such a sweet sound!  
Out and About: We took a trip to the Outer Banks.  The other big news is that you have officially started "school" this month.  You are going to the same school as Caitlin, and everything is going really well.  
Favorite Baby Gear: Boppy, burp cloths, activity mat, bouncy seat, rock n play, Ergo 
Big and Little Sister:



So, at 4 months, Natalie weighs over 2 lbs more than Caitlin did, but they are both the same height.  Their relationship is really beginning to develop even more, and Caitlin just loves Natalie so much (and vice versa).  When she talks to her, Natalie's face just lights up immediately, and Natalie can't stop watching her every move.  It is the absolute sweetest thing to watch.

Another great month has flown by, and before you know it I'll be writing the 5-month post (because I'm so late writing this one).  We love you so much, little one!  Let's slow this growing up business down a little bit, ok?

Love you to pieces,

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