Saturday, November 23, 2013

Natalie - Five Months

(written November 12, 2013)
Likes: Sleeping, eating, Mommy, watching big sister, your hands (and your thumb), Sophie, bathtime, Daddy, putting everything in your mouth
Dislikes:  The snot sucker, getting your nose wiped
Biggest Achievement of the Month: Rolling back to front
Biggest Challenge of the Month: I guess I'd say getting you to remember that you can roll back when you're on your belly.  Still working on that one! 
Sleep:  You usually take 3 1-2 hour naps (with an awake period of about 2 hours between).  You typically fall asleep for the night anywhere between 630 and 730pm and wake up anytime between 6 - 730am.  The big news this month is that we did "sleep training" and took away the swaddle and pacifier during the weekend of November 9th.  I put sleep training in quotes because it really wasn't true training.  It seems that daycare has already taught you how to fall asleep on your own (and without a paci), so it was quite possibly the easiest task possible.  One day when I picked you up from school, and they had just put you down for a nap, so I had to go into the crib room and get you, and as I was getting you up, I realized that you didn't have a paci, and there wasn't even one in the crib.  Apparently, your wonderful teachers realized that you did better going to sleep when you didn't have the paci (who knew!?), and you already sleep at school without a swaddle, so sleep training was so easy for us.  You do still cry when we put you down, but you very quickly find your thumb and fall asleep.  So far, you always sleep on your back and once you fall asleep, you sleep with your arms out or above you head.  
Temperament/Personality: You are generally pretty calm/content/happy and happy to hang out and take everything in.  You really only cry when you're hungry or overtired.  When you're awake and Caitlin is home, you love watching her, and she has started taking an interest in you as well.  You're such a happy girl, always smiling and cooing/talking to us.  You found your voice this month and do not hesitate to screech/squeal whenever the mood hits you.  
Eating: Nursing is still going well.  During the day, you are eating about every 3-4 hours which works out to be 5-6 times a day.  Since you're sleeping through the night (and have been for a while now), you are not usually eating at night.  
The Superficial: Your hair is still dark-ish, but still falling out.  Every time I kiss your head, I end up with a piece (or two) of hair in my mouth, and when we run our hands through it, more hair falls out.  The top is still somewhat thick, but that's about the only area that still has a good amount of hair. Your eyes are still a dark grayish blue, and I am predicting that they will turn brown. You are still wearing 3-6 and 6 month clothes this month.  You have rolls on your arms and on your thighs, and I just love it. You are still wearing a size 1 diaper.  There was no well appointment this month, so I weighed you today (11/23) using the highly accurate way of stepping on the sale by myself and then with you and calculating the difference, and I came up with 14.2 oz.  The other thing I wanted to mention is that over the past month or so, you have really had some stinky farts.  I'm not sure if it's something that I'm eating that causes it or not, but sometimes, you can clear a room.  You also let out some good "adult-sized" burps like it's your job.   
Developmental Milestones: You are  a pro at putting toys in your mouth.  You are still super grabby and laugh a lot more these days.  We went up to PA a few weekends ago and were joking about what Grandmom was going to get you to do while we were there and wouldn't you know, you rolled back to front while we were with her!  Of course, you have completely forgotten how to roll from front to back now, and you get so angry when you get stuck on your belly.  You have also found your voice and are super screechy/squealy.  Not sure that this is really a developmental milestone, but you are a thumbsucker now!  You really only do it when you're going to sleep or are tired, and you never do it while we're holding you, maybe because you associate that with sleep?  You also have started noticing that your feet exist and trying to grab them.
Out and About: Hmm, not a whole lot this month... Daily trips to school and a weekend trip to PA to see the LeNoirs and Mooneys! 
Favorite Baby Gear: Boppy, burp cloths, activity mat, bouncy seat, rock n play, Ergo 
Big and Little Sister:


You still have Caitlin beat on the amount of chub and hair that you have, but at 5 months, Caitlin was sitting up.  I think you're close, but just not quite there yet.  I also think you are much more interested in food at this age than Caitlin was, so it should be interesting when we start solids next month!

Another amazing month in the books.  We cannot wait to see what the next month brings for you!

Love you to pieces,

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