Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Natalie - Two Months

(written August 12, 2013)
Likes: Sleeping (in your crib!), eating, pooping. Looking around the room and checking things out. You have a new found love/hate relationship with the pacifier this month.  Most of the time, you love it.   I'm going to say bath time even though I'm not certain that you really love it, but you don't complain about it unless you're cold.  Trying to get your hands to your mouth.  I will be so happy when you can figure this one out so we can work on getting rid of the pacifier!
Dislikes: The swing (although, we haven't actually tried it much this month),car seat until we are moving, but it does seem to be getting better. Daddy tried to give you a bottle this month while I was out of the house with Caitlin, and you screamed.  You were so upset when I got home that you wouldn't even nurse.  Since then, you have take an ounce from me in a bottle and 3 ounces from Daddy, so I think you've changed your mind about it. You seem to dislike being swaddled because you fight it so much sometimes, but I honestly think it has a calming effect on you, and let's face it, you can't sleep well without it.  You are just too much of a wild woman with those hands.  You have broken out of the swaddle a few times this month, but I think I've finally got it down, and you have been staying in recently.
Biggest Achievement of the Month: Social smiling (yay - definitely the best part of my day)!
Biggest Challenge of the Month: Getting your reflux under control.
Things that Work: Bouncing on the exercise ball to calm you/get you to sleep.  Walking you around the house.  Walking you outside.  Going for a car ride or stroller ride, but god forbid we stop.  Clearly, you love movement.  Hanging out in the bouncy seat.  Now that you're sleeping in your room, most of the time, you get rocked to sleep too.
Sleep: I kind of hate to say this because I don't want to jinx this, but I think we have finally found the trick to get you to fall asleep most of the time.  You are generally sleeping about 2-3 hours during the day (with an awake period of about an hour between naps) with one long stretch of 4-5 hours at night and then 2-3 hours after you eat at night, and of course, we're still using the swaddle.  You sometimes can even put yourself to sleep if we lay you down with the pacifier.  We try not to do this though because the pacifier falls out multiple times, and we have to go in over and over again to replace it.  We will be so happy when you can just suck your thumb! You started sleeping in your crib for all naps and at night time when you were 7 weeks, 2 days old, and I think that has actually really helped you sleep better (and it definitely helps me because I'm not constantly hearing every single noise you make).  We still use the monitor, but I don't jump up to rock you as easily now that you're not in the same room as us at night.  Your crib has the head elevated to help with your reflux issues.
Temperament/Personality: Generally pretty calm/content and happy to just hang out and take everything in.
Eating: Dare I say it? Nursing is going well.  Basically, the complete opposite of my nursing relationship with Caitlin. During the day, you typically nurse every 2-4 hours, and then have a longer stretch at night of 5-6 hours.  My only complaint is that sometimes it takes you 4-5 tries to latch on, but once you get it, it's fine.  You also have a tendency to latch on even if you're not hungry, and then when my milk lets down, you pull off and it sprays you in the face.  The spray makes you mad, and then I get annoyed because there is milk everywhere, and breast milk makes everything sticky.  I think the reflux is getting better since we have upped your dose of Zantac to 1 ml twice a day.  
The Superficial: Your hair is still dark and thick, and there is a lot of it!  I think it has thinned just a little bit, but nothing too noticeable.   Your eyes are still a dark blue. You're still wearing 3M and 0-3M clothes and wearing a size 1 diaper.  You have rolls on your arms and on your thighs, and I just love it. We've been out a few times where you aren't wearing pink, and people have asked "How old is HE?'  Guess I'll have to start putting more bows on you so people aren't confused about the fact that you are a girl!  You also have a touch of baby acne, but nothing awful. As of August 14th (your 2-month appointment), you are 10 lbs, 9 oz (27th percentile), 23 inches long (71st percentile), and your head circumference is 37 cm (14th percentile).  
Developmental Milestones: Social smiling and cooing/gurgling at us.
Out and About:  Let's see... This month included a few trips to the doctor to deal with your reflux issues, a trip to the Howard County Fair, your first road trip to PA to see Grandmom & Granddad's changes at their house and to see the new Mooney house, a trip to Family Day at the Nats game for Daddy's work, and a trip to Daddy's work to have lunch with him.  The trip to PA was quite an adventure.  Apparently, we waited too long after you ate to get into the car because about 45 minutes in, you decided that you were starving, and you absolutely HAD to eat.  So, we had to stop so I could feed you, and then you weren't thrilled that we were stopped because of traffic after. We've run various errands (Target, grocery shopping, etc.) and are still picking up Caitlin from school most nights.  You finally got to meet your Nana Chick when they came to visit this past weekend and you also got to meet the Allisons, the Galatros, and lots of Daddy's co-workers.
Favorite Baby Gear: Boppy, burp cloths, bouncy seat.
Big and Little Sister:




So, at the 2-month mark, Caitlin was an inch longer, but a pound lighter.  A lot of people say that Natalie looks a lot like Caitlin, but I don't see it.  Other than the dark hair and complexion that is from me, I just can't tell who I think Natalie looks like.  Caitlin has been a great big sister this month.  She's always quick to help in any way she can and really would probably do more things if we'd let her.  Her favorite thing recently has been putting Natalie's pacifier back in for her.  Sometimes, we have to remind her to do it gently, and we're trying to help her understand that Natalie doesn't always want it back in her mouth after she spits it out.  She loves it when Natalie's hand or foot accidentally touches her, and she gets even more excited when Natalie and I come to pick her up from school.  She loves showing her off to her teachers (who are so sweet to tell Caitlin every day how beautiful her baby is even though they just saw her the day before), and she also likes for the other kids to be able to see her baby and touch her baby's feet.  When we go anywhere, she always wants Mommy and Natalie to come.  Caitlin also loves to help me pick out Natalie's outfit for the day.  Such a good big sister!  Natalie loves watching Caitlin too, but Caitlin is always on the go, so I think it's hard for Natalie to keep up.  We've been encouraging Caitlin to talk to Natalie more, and Caitlin is really good about repeating what I say to Natalie as well.

Another month has flown by.  I'll probably say it every month, but it really has been fun to watch you grow and start interacting with us.  We can't wait to see what the next month brings!!

We love you to pieces!!
Love, Mommy

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