Thursday, August 1, 2013

Natalie - One Month

(written July 12, 2013)
Likes: Sleeping, eating, pooping.  Sleeping on one of our chests is your favorite place to be. 
Dislikes: The swing, pacifiers, car seat until we are moving. 
Biggest Achievement of the Month: Tracking us
Biggest Challenge of the Month: Getting you to stay asleep. 
Things that Work: Bouncing on the exercise ball to calm you/get you to sleep.  Walking you around the house.  Walking you outside.  Going for a car ride or stroller ride, but god forbid we stop.  Clearly, you love movement.
Sleep: Once you fall asleep (sometimes easy, sometimes not so easy), you LOVE to sleep.  In fact, most of the time, during the day, I have to wake you to eat.  You usually sleep 1.5 - 2 hour stretches during the day.  At night, I get one good 4 hour stretch and then a 2 hour stretch.  Currently, you mostly sleep swaddled.  You hate the actual process of being swaddled, but it calms you down pretty quickly.  You also are sleeping either in the bouncy seat or rock n play because of your digestive issues (see Eating below). 
Temperament/Personality: Generally pretty calm/content, unless the witching hours of 5-10pm are upon us.  Makes for a pretty interesting night trying to get dinner on the table, take care of Caitlin and keep you happy.  Thankfully, I'm only on my own for maybe 1-1.5 hours of that time. 
Eating: Generally, nursing is going pretty well.  You are eating about every 2-3 hours during the day, and 4-5 hours at night.  We took a trip to the ENT because just like your big sister, you had a posterior tongue tie.  I handled that one solo, and let me tell you, it was kind of traumatic for both of us, but we survived.  We also are about to start reflux meds because you have some reflux issues going on. 
The Superficial: Oh, the hair.  It is dark and thick, and there is a lot of it!  Every time I'm out with you, I get so many comments about it (and how cute you are, of course).  Your eyes are still a dark blue.  You wore newborn clothes and diapers for the first 3 weeks of your life.  Sadly, I'm packing away those newborn clothes since you've graduated to 3M and 0-3M clothes.  I'm happy you're growing, but just can't believe it especially since it took so long for Caitlin to graduate to bigger clothes. As of July 11th, you weigh 9lbs 7oz. Your official one month appointment was July 17th, and you were 9lbs, 9oz (50th percentile), 22 inches long (79th percentile) and your head circumference was 36cm (24th percentile).
Developmental Milestones: Tracking us
Out and About:  We've been to 3 pediatrician appointments, Howard County General Hospital to have your bilirubin levels checked for jaundice, to the mall with me, Daddy and Caitlin, to the pool to watch Caitlin at her swim lessons and running errands with me.  We also started picking Caitlin up from school recently.  You also got to meet Grandmom and Granddad LeNoir, the Mooneys, Uncle Philip, Pop Pop Chick, Mom Mom, Aunt Maryann, Aunt Val, Aunt Becky and Uncle Jordan, Ms. Jody, and Ms. Jen. 
Favorite Baby Gear: Boppy, burp cloths
Big and Little Sister:






So clearly, the big difference between these two is the hair, complexion and size.  Caitlin has adjusted into her role as big sister quite well and rarely complains about the fact that Natalie is here and isn't going anywhere.  Most of the time, she is even my big helper and gets things for me to help me take care of Natalie.  We also spent a good bit of time before Natalie was born talking to her about all the things that she can do but that Natalie can't, so I think that helps too because she feels so important being able to do all these "big girl" things. I think it has really helped that she gets to do so many fun things with Daddy lately.  She gets a little annoyed when Natalie cries, but I would say that when she acts out, it is the result of her being three rather than her being jealous of Natalie.

Well, little girl, we survived month one!  We have had so much fun getting to know you and welcoming you to our family and can not wait to see what the next month brings.

We just love you to pieces and hope you will always know this!
Love, Mommy

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