Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 22

We had another great day!  Why do weekends have to end?  This morning, we celebrated Connor's 2nd birthday at Clark's Elioak Farm.  Caitlin had many firsts today - she tried pizza, she rode a pony (with Ryan's help), she came home and ate strawberries, blueberries, and cooked carrot pieces, and she tried Wheat Thins.  When Ryan went to put her on the horse, she had a death grip on his shirt, and then once she was in the saddle, she sucked her thumb the entire time.  She just wasn't sure about the whole thing.  Eating strawberries, blueberries and cooked carrots was a pretty big deal to us, because we haven't been able to get her to touch any finger foods other than cheerios, puffs, yogurt melts, cheese and toast/english muffins.  I tried feeding the fruit and veggies today to her on a fork, but she wanted no part of it.  In fact, she even broke out the tears.  So, I gave up and just put them on her tray, and she must have realized she was hungry because she started eating them.  Of the three, the blueberries were definitely her favorite!  I'm sure that will change tomorrow when I try to give them to her again, but we were thrilled that she ate them today!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love this picture! So adorable.