Thursday, July 8, 2010

6 Weeks Old

Caitlin, you were 6 weeks old yesterday!  It's been another busy week, and I can hardly believe that my maternity leave is half over.  It's kind of depressing, but I'm trying not to think about it and make the most of the time that we have together over the next 6 weeks!  In other news, you are becoming a sleeping superstar!!  On Saturday, Sunday and Monday of this week, you only woke up once around 2am to eat and then you slept until 7am!  Mommy and Daddy were thrilled.  On Tuesday night, you slept 7 straight hours!!!  You fell asleep at 11:15pm, and I woke up at 4am because I couldn't believe you hadn't woken up yet!  It surprised me so much that I had to put my hand on your chest to make sure that you were still breathing!  You kept sleeping until 6:30am!!  Good job, kiddo.  We were so proud of you (and happy to actually sleep the whole night)!  Last night, you were back to waking up once, but honestly, I won't complain about that!  You also got to meet your Great Aunt Sue and Uncle Mike and cousins Cassidy and Michael!  And, now onto the pictures from this week.

You played on your activity mat.

Hanging out with Daddy.

You fell asleep on Mommy's shoulder, and we realized that when you sleep with your mouth open it forms the perfect triangle.

We took you to the ENT and when you first got in the carseat, you were trying to nurse your head rest/support thing.  I guess you got tired of trying because you fell asleep and slept this way until we took you out for the doctors appointment.

You fell asleep in the bouncy seat! 

You took your first nap in your crib.  I can't get over how small you look!

Hanging out with Daddy again.

You gave me the "You're crazy, Mommy" look.

You smiled at Mr. Ceiling Fan.

We celebrated the 4th of July!

You fell asleep in Mommy's arms and we thought you looked too cute to not take a picture of you.

Here you are with your best friend, Mr. Ceiling Fan.  Mommy and Daddy are hoping that someday you'll be this excited about us!

A close-up of you looking at Mr. Ceiling Fan.

Another close-up.  You are absolutely mesmerized.

Different day, same reaction to Mr. Ceiling Fan.  He makes you pretty happy these days.

1 comment:

The Coles Family said...

Too cute. Mr. Ceiling Fan is Alyssa's friend too. LOL! I feel so jealous because she seems to give more attention to Mr. Ceiling Fan than me.