Friday, July 2, 2010

5 Weeks Old

Caitlin, you turned 5 weeks old on Wednesday!  This week has completely gotten away from me, but I still wanted to post about the goings on this week.  On Monday, we went to your one-month check up.  You are doing great.  You are a whopping 7 lbs. 10 oz. and 22 inches long!  They also measured the size of your head and it was 36 cm (just over 14 inches) - I don't think this has changed much since you were born.  You were quite the maniac at the appointment.  From the second we got you out of the car seat to be weighed, you cried the ENTIRE time.  The timing of the appointment happened to be during your lunchtime so you were pretty annoyed with us that we let the doctor poke and prod at you and that we were not feeding you!  As soon as she was finished, I fed you and then we took a little break so you could get your first vaccine outside of the hospital.  As soon as the nurse gave you the shot, you let out this awful squeal and your little face turned bright red.  You cried for a minute or so, but we let you eat some more after and that made everything all better.  Your daddy and I still felt pretty bad for you.  I mean, you were eating and as happy as can be and then all of a sudden someone is sticking something sharp into you leg.  I think I'd be pretty hurt and mad about that too!  Here are some pictures of what we did during the past week:

You took a nap and were deep in thought the whole time.

It's kind of hard to tell, but here you are looking at Mr. Ceiling Fan.  You LOVE the ceiling fan in the family room.  We are not convinced that you can actually see it, but when you're upset if we stand under it, most times you stop crying and look directly up at the fan and just stare at it.  Sometimes you even have conversations with Mr. Fan.  I'm convinced that you like the ceiling fan because I think the light fixture kind of looks like a boob. 

One early morning this week, you didn't want to fall back to sleep after you ate, so we went downstairs and tried the swing.  You fell asleep!!  I had time to eat breakfast, drink some tea and catch up on some blogs!  Thank you!!  Let's do that again sometime!

You fell asleep on Daddy's shoulder.

You hung out with Daddy during the Phillies game.

You practiced holding your head up while Daddy was holding you.

You made lots of funny faces for Mommy's camera.



You hung out in the bouncy seat.  We have started using the bouncy seat to occupy you during dinner.  We just put it on the kitchen table and you hang out with us while we eat. 

We tried your activity mat and you seem to like it for short periods of time.  It will be fun to see you interacting/playing with all the animals and fun things to do on this activity mat.

Hanging out with Daddy again.  I thought you looked so cute sitting there! 

PS - You do get to hang out with me quite a bit, but Daddy doesn't take as many pictures as I do.  We are going to work on this!

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