Wednesday, December 30, 2009

17 Weeks

As of today, I'm technically 17 weeks and 2 days, but I was just too tired to post on Monday.  According to The Bump, the baby is the size of an onion and Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints. Week 17

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 17 weeks and 2 days
Total Weight Gain: As of my last appt at 15 weeks, 5 days, 1.5 lbs, although I'm sure this has definitely increased after all the eating I've been doing over the holidays.  I've decided to not weigh myself that often at home because my scale has different results than the doctor's scale.  So, we'll just stick with what the doctor says, mmmmkay. 
Maternity Clothes: My clothes are getting tighter, but I'm fighting the maternity clothes.  The BeBand is being worn on a more frequent basis, but I broke down and placed an order with Old Navy tonight. 
Sleep: I'm good at it. 
Best Moment this week: Spending time with our wonderful family and friends for the holidays!
Gender: No idea.  We find out January 11th.  I'm adding a poll on the blog so everyone can vote if they want.  It will be fun to see what everyone thinks we're having.
Movement: Nothing really yet.  Should be soon according to the books and the doctor.
Food Craving: Green olives and sweet stuff (not together though).  Today, I walked past one of the girls I work with and she had what I thought was a doughnut in her hands and I got so excited that someone had left doughnuts in the kitchen... It was actually a bagel.  I was so disappointed.
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach
What I am looking forward to: My cold going away.
Weekly Wisdom:  I got nothing.
Symptoms: Sporadic heartburn and some round ligament pain when I cough (stupid cold).

And for your viewing pleasure, here's a blurry 17 week picture:
IMG_3050 - 17w 12.28.09

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