Friday, September 27, 2013

Natalie - Three Months

(written September 12, 2013)
Likes: Sleeping, eating, Mommy, watching big sister (when she stays still long enough), pacifiers, her hands (when she can get them to her mouth)
Dislikes:  Sometimes the bottle, the car (still hit or miss)
Biggest Achievement of the Month: Sleeping through the night!!
Biggest Challenge of the Month: Hmm.  I think getting you to keep the pacifier in your mouth would be the biggest struggle, especially when we're in the car. You still struggle with naps sometimes, but we're getting there.
Things that Work: Patting your butt.  No surprise there - your sister loved this too. Going for a car ride or stroller ride, but god forbid we stop.  Clearly, you love movement.  You like to rock in the rocking chair in your room too.  
Sleep:  You are generally sleeping about 2-3 hours during the day (with an awake period of about an hour to an hour and a half between naps), and of course, we're still using the swaddle.  You typically fall asleep for the night anywhere between 630 and 8pm.  I'm not sure how long you would sleep because I have been waking you sometime between 10pm and midnight for a "dream feed".  You typically go right back to sleep and then wake up anytime between 6 - 730am.  One of these days, I'm going to drop that feeding and see how you do, but I just feel like it can't hurt you to do it, and you don't seem to protest. You sometimes can even put yourself to sleep if we lay you down with the pacifier.  You are getting better at keeping the pacifier in your mouth when you need it, but we will be so happy when you can just suck your thumb! You are still sleeping in your crib for all naps and at night time with your head elevated to help with your reflux issues. 
Temperament/Personality: You are generally pretty calm/content and happy to hang out and take everything in.  You really only cry when you're hungry or overtired or when you lose your pacifier.  When you're awake and Caitlin is home, you have really started watching her, and she has started taking an interest in you as well.  If you are crying, she will do anything she can to make you stop and be happy again.  She loves to give you the pacifier back (and sometimes shoves it in your mouth a little too hard, but we know she doesn't mean it, and she has been getting better about doing it gently).  She also loves to play music for you and lately has even started singing for you, and you absolutely love it when she does.  One night, you had a bit of a screaming fit because you were so overtired, and I was upstairs trying to calm you.  You had stopped crying for a little bit and then started again, and within in seconds, Caitlin came racing up the stairs so concerned about you saying that she wanted to turn on your musical seahorse for you.  It is so very sweet to see this relationship starting to form.  
Eating: Nursing is still going well.  During the day, you are eating about every 3-4 hours.  Including the dream feed, you typically eat about 5-6 times a day.  
The Superficial: Your hair is still dark and thick, and there is a lot of it!  It has definitely started thinning a bit this month (and mine has too), but I don't see any noticeable bald spots. Your eyes are still a dark grayish blue, and I am predicting that they will turn brown. You're still wearing 3M and 0-3M clothes and wearing a size 1 diaper.  I recently pulled out the tote with 3-6 and 6 month clothes in it, and you can definitely fit into the 3-6 month clothe. s You have rolls on your arms and on your thighs, and I just love it.  You occasionally have a little baby acne, but nothing awful.  There is no well visit for 3 months, but I have done the highly accurate weighing method of weighing myself and then weighing us together and calculating the difference, I am coming up with about 11.5 pounds.  
Developmental Milestones: Rolling front to back.  You found your hands and can get them to your mouth about 50% of the time. You aren't exactly reaching for things, but if we put something near your hands, you grab on and won't let go.  
Out and About:  It has been a busy month!  We took a day trip to Avalon where you met the Cardones and Kummers.  The next weekend, we spent the weekend in Ocean City, MD with the Galatros.  The weather has cooled a bit, and we have taken a few trips to nearby parks to go for walks and sometimes Caitlin even gets to tag along.  
Favorite Baby Gear: Boppy, burp cloths, activity mat, bouncy seat, rock n play, Ergo with the infant insert
Big and Little Sister:



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