Friday, June 29, 2012

Two Years Old


Seriously, where in the world did the last year go??  You turned two on Saturday, May 26th, 2012.  I am over a month late posting this, and I think deep down, I'm trying to stop time (as if waiting to post this will make you stop growing up so fast)!   We started your birthday weekend off with a trip to Sesame Place on Friday, where you showed us that you were not nearly as adventurous as we thought you'd be.  We had a feeling that the big Elmo would freak you out, but thought you'd at least like the rides.  The carousel (the tamest of them all) made you quite nervous.  We should have just taken that as a sign and put your swimsuit on right away to go to the water park, but instead, we tried the rope "course" (no go), the teacups (we didn't even make it on the ride because we ended up walking straight through to the exit), the bounce pillow (you got on and just laid there), and Big Bird's Balloon ride (the only moving ride that you actually seemed to kind of enjoy).  You LOVED the big tube slides... maybe we should have just found a big fancy (free) playground instead!  I think the most fun you had was playing in the splash park when you realized that you could run in and out of the water and splash all you wanted!  Regardless of all this, Daddy and I loved being able to spend the entire day with you for your 2nd birthday, and we're hoping to make it an annual tradition to do something fun on your birthday each year. 

On Big Bird's Balloon Ride (that's actually a half smile on your face). 

Your 2-year stats are as follows:
Weight: 24 lbs (15th percentile!!!  This is the first that you've been on the charts since you were 2 months old.)
Height: 35 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 47 cm

Your personality has really started showing through this year. Although you have some random tantrums, you really are such a sweet little girl.
Your teachers at school cannot say enough nice things about you, and they are always saying what a good girl you are, how smart you are, and how you are such a good listener. 
  You have an intense love for Bubby (bunny), snacks, your hoodie jackets (especially the gray Scranton jacket that Uncle Philip gave you), monkey and Elmo, your blankets, and Leah ("Yee-ah").
You still suck your thumb, usually when you're tired, in an uncomfortable/new situation, or are watching Sesame Street. 
You know all your colors and almost all the alphabet and every animal sound.   
You will drink from Mommy's cup any chance you get.  You love water and milk and occasionally will have orange juice for breakfast. 
You love basically anything that has to do with water - the pool, bathtime, playing in the sprinkler, water guns, and your water table. 
The park is a big hit too.  Sometimes you will swing for a good 10-15 minutes straight (and that feels like an eternity to us).  You have also recently become more adventurous climbing up to the big slides and going down them by yourself (and scaring Mommy to death sometimes). 
You eat most meals with a fork and spoon (and most of the time remember to use them).  You can also drink from a big girl cup without making much of a mess most of the time. 
You can count to 10.  I've heard you do it, but most of the time, it's "one, two, three, four, seven, eight, nine, ten". 
You love accessories - bows, headbands, barrettes, sunglasses, and hats are some of your most favorite things. 
Your hair is finally long enough for ponytails!
 I was a little worried about how you'd do with a new baby in the family, but you truly love Leah ("Yee-ah") and are so good to her.  You keep her out of trouble (and sometimes tattle on her) and share most of your toys with her (and make sure that she shares ALL of her toys with you). 
You LOVE music.  Singing and dancing are definitely some of your favorite things right now.  You have also started to sing songs on your own.  Favorites are Happy Birthday, ABC song, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Rockabye Baby (Rocka Baby), Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and lots of songs from your Kindermusik class.  Your favorite from Kindermusik is Floating Down the River, and you absolute favorite song of all time right now is Little Red Caboose (also known as Vamoose).  And, of course, any song that Elmo sings makes you happy. 
First snowfall (if you could really call it that).  You weren't all that impressed with touching it, but you loved it when Mommy and Daddy were throwing snowballs at each other!
You love being "nakey" and trying to dress yourself.  You have also recently become much more opinionated about what you are wearing. 
You started finding things funny this year, and it's so cute to see what you think is funny.  In this case, I think it was because I told you that I was going to get your thumby.
You have perfected your hugging and kissing techniques.  When you hug us, you will wrap your arms around our shoulders (as much as you can) and squeeze tight.  Often times, you will also pat our backs while giving us a big squeeze.  You also now put your lips up to our cheeks or lips and will give us the perfect, sweetest little kisses.  Just remember to keep those kisses reserved for Mommy and Daddy.  No boys yet, ok??
You would take a walk in your wagon ("waggy") every day if we would let you.
You're starting to more pretend play.  Whether you're giving Bubby a drink of your water.
Or feeding your baby her bottle of milk. 
You have become quite the chatterbox lately.  Some of the cute/funny/shocking things that you say are: "Excuse me, Mommy", "Bless You" when people sneeze, "Slow down, Mommy" (in the car), "I fart", "I have gas".  I could go on and on.  You are generally really good about saying "Thank You", but we are still working really hard on remembering to say "please". 
Books are also a favorite thing right now.  If we would do it, I think you would let us read an unlimited amount of books to you each night at bedtime.
Spending some quality time with Grandmom. 
You love it when Daddy or I (or basically anyone) chases you.
We spent our first extended period away from you while Mommy & Daddy went on a much-needed vacation.  You stayed with Grandmom & Granddad for a few nights and then a night with Aunt Alexis, Uncle Tim & Leah.  This was Aunt Alexis and Uncle Tim's way of watching you (haha - not really, but they said you wanted to be buckled in your carseat and stayed this way for a good 15 minutes).  You did relatively well while we were away (and so did Mommy and Daddy).  We skyped every day (and you wouldn't talk to us), and we were so happy to get home to you at the end of our trip! 
Shoes have become a new obsession.  You will try any pair of shoes on at least once.  You have mastered the buckles on your shoes and get them on the right feet on the first try most of the time.  You understand when we tell you that they are on the wrong feet and will switch them. 
You got your very first haircut a few days before your actual 2nd birthday.  You did amazingly well, but I'm guessing it was mostly because of the TV in front your chair playing Dora. 
You really enjoyed the beach this year.  We can't wait to see how much you'll have when we're there in September with the LeNoirs/Mooneys. 
You love riding any type of bike.  We are working on teaching you how to pedal so that Daddy and I don't ruin our backs pushing you around all the time.
You learned how to jump this year.  So amazing!

You really are our pride and joy, and nothing makes us happier than to see you growing and developing into such an amazing little girl.  The past year has been full of lots of new and exciting things for all of us, and we absolutely cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for us.  We love you so much, Punkin (yes, I still call you that), and we are so proud and lucky to be your Mommy and Daddy. 

Love you like no other,

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