Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Resident Carpenter/Woodworker Has Been Busy!

I’ve been pretty lazy busy lately and haven’t had a chance to post about the latest projects that Ryan has finished. We’re heading cross country to Pebble Beach and San Francisco, so I figured I’d at least draft a post while sitting on the 5-hour plane ride. I am now sitting outside the airport in amazing 62-degree weather (without the humidity that hit us in the face when we left for the airport this morning) waiting for Ryan to show up with our rental car (pretty great system if you ask me - he gets the car and I get to hang out with our bags and we don't have to deal with them on the shuttle bus). I’m hoping to also post some highlights from our trip while we’re there, but we’ll see how well that goes depending on how tired I am each day from all the spa treatments sightseeing. Anyway, back to the projects…

The first project is the flower box. We decided to give this to Ryan’s mom for her birthday since she is quite the gardener and loves flowers so much. It has been finished for a few weeks, but I couldn’t post about it until we had given it to her. We spent the past weekend with the LeNoirs playing beer pong to celebrate Linda’s birthday. I didn’t do a very good documenting the actual flower-box-making process, but I do have pictures of the finished product.


The inside is pressure treated wood and the outside is teak.



Up close



What project wouldn't be complete without a "Handcrafted By" nameplate?!

The next project on the list was a mantel for Mom-Mom’s fireplace in her condo. Ryan built the mantel at our house, but didn’t put it together completely until Maryann painted it. We dropped it off on a Friday night and came back on Sunday after the Phillies game to install it.


Putting the mantel back together after Maryann painted it.


Putting the glue on it to put it up on the tile


The "naked" mantel without all the trim


Ryan putting the trim on. You can tell he was working hard by his sweaty shirt!


The 99% finished product. The brown marks are the wood filler that was used to fill in the nail holes. This will be painted over in white by Maryann.


And, the name plate.

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