Tuesday, March 6, 2007

And the building has begun....

A few weeks ago, I made a comment to Ryan that we needed to get a new, bigger bookshelf because in addition to the books already there, the 2 bookshelves that we have are becoming increasingly full with all the new wedding stuff that I have acquired over the past few months (thanks to the 4 wedding magazine subscriptions, wedding book, brides journal and wedding planning binder from Crystal). Rather than buy a new bookshelf, Ryan started doing some research and decided that he was going to build us a new one! But, of course, before this could happen, he had to buy all the tools for the bookshelf. Oh, and after the tools arrived, he decided that before the bookshelf could be constructed, he would have to build a tool cabinet that could house all the tools. Ryan's interest in building all these things actually kind of surprised me, but it seems to be something that really interests him. So, rather than devote all of the blog posts to wedding talk (b/c that would be selfish), I thought it would be appropriate to document Ryan's projects for everyone to see as well.

Ryan started building the tool cabinet on Saturday, Feb 24th. The weather was a decent sunny day in February, and I think he just couldn't wait to start. I have included pictures below to show Ryan's progress.

Ryan is hard at work, measuring the wood to go into the tool cabinet.

Ryan, using the saw that I was worried would chop off his fingers/hand.

At the end of Day 1, the frame was finished. The only reason he stopped was because he had run out of battery on one of the saws. I was quite impressed!

Day 2 of building the tool cabinet started on March 3rd and was a gorgeous spring-like day. Ryan finished building the tool cabinet, and I think it looks pretty good for a first-time builder! See the pictures below.

The tool cabinet has "walls" now!

The finished product which is in the "cove" outside our basement door. Of course, the tools are still sitting in the house, but we do have the ability to store the tools in the cabinet someday!

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