Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29

Bath time for baby! 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28

Caitlin is loving this mild weather.  She loves riding in her "waggy" (wagon) and going for walks when we get home.  Ryan has been home when we got home from school the last 2 nights, so we've gone on family walks the past 2 nights until it gets dark.  I can't wait for the days to be longer so we can stay out and play a little later. 

February 27

Caitlin's really happy in this picture because it's the last day of the February mustache challenge at Ryan's company (i.e. "Bye bye Daddy's Scratchy Face").  For the record, he came in 2nd in the competition.  We are so proud. 

February 26

Happy 21-month birthday, Caitlin!  We celebrated with cheerios for breakfast (one of her favorites)! 

February 25

It was a pajama and rainboots and

a pigtails kind of day today.  She is doing the choo-choo sound and motion in this picture.

February 24

There is nothing better than a clean baby, especially one who is so happy.  IMG_5607


Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23

I honestly have no idea what she was doing or how I caught her doing this, but it really makes me laugh.  I love her crazy hair (we had just taken her ponytails out), her belly hanging out, the way her arms are crossed, and the expression on her face.  Tonight, she went on the big girl swings at the park for the first time.  It went ok the first time.  The second time, when she decided that she wanted to get off, she told me and then forgot to hold on.  Thankfully, I was quick enough to grab her and ended up catching her while she was falling backward. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22

Someone was proud of herself for climbing the patio steps all by herself. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21

Sleeping Beauty.  I realized as I was walking downstairs after putting her to bed that I hadn't taken one single picture tonight.  So, I just snuck into her room to take a picture.  I forgot how much I love sleeping baby pictures. I might have to do this more often!   

Caitlin is Funny

She was so wound up after Katie's bouncy house party!! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20

She was giving her baby a bath tonight.   Thanks, Aunt Yexi (Alexis) for the new baby!  She especially loves dressing and undressing her over and over and over. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19

Our big girl going down the slide all by herself at Katie's Bouncy House birthday party!  She had such a good time!!  Spending time with the Mooneys AND a trip to the bouncy house party - I think this was the most fun she's had in a while! 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 18

We spent a great day with the Mooneys today!!  Thank goodness for nice weather. We were able to take the girls for some playtime at the playground in our community.  They loved riding in the wagon together!

Friday, February 17, 2012

February 17

This is the face she makes when she runs into me with her lawnmower.  We had a great time playing outside tonight with Ryan after work and school! 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16

That is a look of adoration for her Daddy who gave her M&M's after dinner tonight. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15

Thanks to the warmer-than-usual weather, Caitlin and I spent some time playing outside after we got home tonight.  She loved "parking" her car at the top of the driveway and then picking up her feet and flying down the hill.  I am so excited for longer days and sunny weather so we can play more! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14

Happy Valentine's Day from our little love bug (who has learned how to jump).  This is how proud/happy she looks after she does it! 

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13

She was showing me the princess in her book. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12

She is too much.  When she woke up from her nap today, she decided to take her shirt off, so this is how Ryan found her when he went to get her up.  Crazy kid.

February 11

This is what happens when you let her eat dried blueberries for snack.  They were everywhere - all over her chair, her shirt and her face and hands! 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 10

Looks like a good conversation, no?  Also, take note that she is surrounded by all her favorite things - Monkey, Elmo, Baby, and 2 Bunnies (under Ryan's arm).  She now sleeps with Monkey, Elmo & 1 or 2 Bunnies. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9

Cheesin' after bath tonight.  I could not get her to keep that towel on so I could take a picture.  She thought she was pretty funny. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8

The doors on the bus go... IMG_3353

and Shut! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7

Rough night tonight (I think it was the full moon), but Ryan was able to get a laugh or 2 out of her. 

February 6

Reading her favorite book.  She is obsessed with books lately!

February 5

Having a tea party with Monkey. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 4

Getting ready to go out in the snow.  I was so excited that we finally got to use those snow pants and her new boots (thanks, Aunt Pat & Uncle Eric for the boots!). 

She wasn't sure what to think about the snow, but she was thrilled to be outside.  She thought it was hilarious when Ryan and I were throwing snowballs at each other. 

This is what she thought about us making her come inside. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 3

Caitlin woke up at 4:20am this morning crying for me.  I was exhausted, so I brought her to bed with us.  She fell asleep, but woke up when I got up to shower, which led to her relaxing in our bed with some milk, cheerios and Sesame Street and Barney while Ryan and I got ready for work. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2

Our little fish at bathtime tonight!  She loved laying on her back in the water... She loved it so much that I had to take her out of the tub to wash her because she decided that she no longer wanted to sit up in the water. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1

My big girl is learning to drink from her cup without the sippy lid.  Can someone please tell her to slow down a little bit??