Friday, March 22, 2013

25 Weeks

How far along: 25 Weeks, 1 Day (25 Weeks with Caitlin)

Size of baby: 9 inches in length and more than 1.5 lbs, (taller than 2 juice boxes stacked on on top of the other and almost as heavy as 4 juice boxes) according to What to Expect.

Cravings this week: still loving my cup of coffee in the mornings.

Weight Gain: As of my doctor's appt on February 28th, 10lbs (I'm just going to go with what the doctor's scale says because that's easiest).

What I love: Comfy maternity clothes. 
What I'm looking forward to the most: Picking out a name for the babe. 

What is different this time around: Definitely the size of my belly, and apparently, I am sleeping much better than last time.  At this point last time, we had also picked out the color for the nursery (haven't done that yet) and registered (not planning to do it at all this time).

Sleep: No issues in this department. I'm still up every night usually 2-3 times to pee around 1:30/2 and definitely 5/515 (like clockwork), but I usually have no problems falling back to sleep.

Symptoms: Heartburn, stuffy nose.  Not really pregnancy related, but I had a sinus infection this week.  Thank goodness for good drugs. 

Movement: Yes!

The belly: Still pretty big, and the belly button flattens even more each week.

Boy or Girl: We'll find out in June

Best moment of the week: Filing our financial statements for work.  So glad the craziness is over! 

Worries this week: Nothing that I can remember other worrying about how I was going to get my work done. 

"Amusing" Comments: Nothing this week.

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