Tuesday, June 11, 2013

39 Weeks

How far along:  39 Weeks.  I have no comparison shot with Caitlin, because she was born at 38 weeks, 2 days.  Also, just a side note about this picture - I wasn't all that thrilled that I'm 39 weeks and still pregnant as it would seem from my smile in the picture... Caitlin was trying to take my picture with her camera and instead of pointing it at me, she was pointing it at Ryan, and it made me laugh. 

Size of baby: 19 - 22 inches and 6 - 9 lbs, according to What to Expect.

Cravings this week: Cherries, cantaloupe and corn on the cob.  Other than that  I am completely done with eating at this point. It all just makes me uncomfortable and causes heartburn. 

Weight Gain: As of my doctor's appt on June 5th, 17lbs

What I love: Comfy maternity clothes. Spending time with my little family - trying really hard to savor this time as a family of 3. 

What I'm looking forward to the most: Meeting this kid. I AM READY for this pregnancy to be over at this point.  Also finding out if BL 2.0 is a girl or boy. 

What is different this time around: Definitely the size of my belly, and apparently, I am sleeping much better than last time. At this point last time, my ankles and fingers were swelling all the time. I also had stopped wearing my wedding rings, but knock on wood, they still fit. I am definitely more uncomfortable this time.  At 38 weeks with Caitlin, I only had 2 days left because she was born at 38 weeks, 2 days because I was induced because of preeclampsia.  Only time will tell how long this kid decides to stay put, but right now, I'm showing no signs of preeclampsia (knock on wood), thank goodness.  So, we're basically just waiting for BL 2.0 to decide that it's time to come meet his/her new family. 

Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty well for the most part. I'm still up every night usually at least 3-4 times to pee, but I don't have a huge problem falling back to sleep unless Ryan is snoring. It is starting to get harder to turn over and/or get out of bed. 

Symptoms: Heartburn. Sore hips and legs and just tired in general. Exhaustion - I feel like I am definitely more tired this time around. I'm sure having an almost 3 year old at home isn't helping with the exhaustion. Random pain in my back and the top of my stomach, not contractions though. I think it's more from my belly stretching or over-doing it physically. Thankfully, the heating pad somewhat helps with the pain. Just overall soreness, including soreness in my pelvic muscles - so not fun at all. Round ligament pain and Braxton Hicks contractions. The skin on my stomach is also really sensitive, I think because it is stretched so thin. It hurts to have anything touching it most of the time, which is kind of a shame because I HAVE to wear clothes.  I've definitely had some real contractions this week.  Nothing too painful or consistent, but it seems as though maybe my body is trying to do something.  I found out at my appointment that I'm 3cm dilated and 60-70% effaced. 

Movement: Yes! The movement has slowed a bit as he/she is clearly running out of room, but it is definitely strong most of the time and sometimes even catches me off guard. The stronger movements actually hurt lately.

The belly: Still pretty big, and my belly button is no longer flat. Starting to hurt a little (see symptoms above).

Boy or Girl: We'll find out in June

Best moment of the week:  Having Grandmom join us until BL 2.0 decides to make his/her appearance.  Having her here definitely relieves some of the anxiety around what we'll do with Caitlin when BL 2.0 comes.  And, let's face it, Caitlin loves the extra attention, and we love having another set of hands to help out! 

Worries this week: Starting to get a little worried about labor/delivery, but with how uncomfortable I am, I'm also starting to really look forward to it.

"Amusing" Comments:  The guy at the PNC Bank at Giant predicted boy... again, the consensus appears to be boy. 

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