Thursday, August 30, 2012

August 30

My big girl getting her haircut (the 2nd one) tonight.  At first, she was very unsure about sitting in the chair, but it was nothing that a bubblegum-flavored lollipop and some Mickey Mouse on the TV couldn't cure. 

And, as a treat for being so brave tonight, she got to ride the horses on the carousel in the mall.  She loved it! 

August 29

I think it's pretty safe to say that Caitlin LOVES music.  Perhaps we have a budding musician on our hands. 

August 28

Silly crazy-haired girl at bedtime.  No idea what she's doing here though. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27

Caitlin started her new school today, and I couldn't get over how cute/grown-up she looked this morning.  She had a great first day!!


Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 26

Playing in the bubbles at Riley & Cullen's birthday party today before all the rain came!  Happy 27-month birthday, big girl! 

August 25

This is how Ryan kept Caitlin occupied while I was busy getting everything ready for Becky's baby shower this morning!  She spent a good 15-30 minutes outside playing in the soapy water on the deck and was so proud of herself for helping Daddy. 

August 24

"Look, Mommy.  I made a C!" (with her apple slice)

August 23

I think I caught her off-guard with this one, but wow, those eyes.  I know I'm biased, but I don't think she could be any cuter! 

August 22

Mouth full of grilled cheese, and she decides to lay on her horse like it's a pillow.  Silly girl. 

August 21

I had to work late tonight, so Caitlin got to spend the evening with Ryan.  He let her watch Toy Story, and she loved it.  She now asks to watch a movie every time she walks past the TV stand and sees the movies in the cabinet. 

August 20

We spent the day at Sesame Place, and this time I'd say that it was a big success!!  Caitlin loved the carousel and rode it 3 times!  She loved waving to Ryan everytime we went around. 

Here she is getting ready to go up for Big Bird's Balloon Race ride.  Ryan even got her to put her hands up like she was riding a roller coaster. 

And here she is showing off her jumping skills.  We made it through the 3pm parade and headed out after that.  She was so wound up in the car that she didn't fall asleep until we were 30 minutes from home.  Poor kid was so tired, but what a fun day! 

August 19

These 2 cuties dressed up for their Aunt Alexis and Mommy's birthday, and then I didn't get a chance to post it on her birthday.  Even though we are ridiculously late doing so, we wanted to wish you a very happy birthday!!  We hope you had a great day, even if it was spent working really hard! 

Had to include this one too.  Caitlin was throwing a little fit, and Leah went over to give her a hug and try to make her feel better.  Caitlin got no less than 15 hugs from Leah in a matter of 2 days.  These two have so much fun together! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

August 18

We were in PA this weekend (yay!) and went to the Elmwood Park Zoo with Grandmom, Granddad, Leah, Uncle Tim, and Aunt Alexis.  They had a really nice playground, and Granddad was pushing Caitlin "really fast".  Clearly, she loved it!

A cute little bench at the entrance that I got these two to sit on.  I struggled to keep Caitlin sitting there, so this was the best that I could get.  Still pretty cute though!

Caitlin and Leah took a bath together (and had a blast), and here they are all nice and clean trying to rock in the Grandmom's rocking chair together.  Seriously, could they be any cuter!?

August 17

We tried to go to a concert in Rockburn Park tonight.  Caitlin loved running around like a mad woman until it started raining and we got kicked out! 

Friday, August 17, 2012

August 16

Our little sickie.  She's been home for the past 2 days with a cold/fever, but seems to be finally on the mend. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 15

She was showing me her "flower" while we were out on a walk tonight. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 14

"I driving, Mommy!"

I was sitting on the sidewalk to get some pictures, and she drove up and "got me".  Lucky for me, I "got her" in this beautiful picture.  Love this kid. 

August 13

She was playing with Elmo while he was singing, and she stuck her finger in his mouth and thought it was hilarious. 

August 12

We ate dinner out on the deck tonight, and I was able to catch this picture of my girl.  I can't get over how old she looks. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 11

We took Caitlin to the Howard County Fair on Saturday.  She loved it as much as the first time.  She even looks like a natural up there on that tractor. 

August 10

Caitlin and Ryan were playing catch with her ball in the house, and she had a blast.  This was her "I'm proud of myself for catching it" face. 

And here she is in action.  She actually did really well (better than I expected)!

Here's an outtake from the "playing catch" session.  Makes me laugh everytime I look at it (don't worry, she was fine even though the ball hit her in the head). 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

August 9

On a whim, I decided to take Caitlin to the Howard County Fair tonight.  It's a little blurry, but here she is with the momma pig and her piglets.  They were so stinking cute!  She was obsessed with the cows and kept asking to go back and see them.  She also was a brave girl and petted a duck twice!  We also saw goats, sheep, llamas, ostriches, bunnies, chickies, and a miniature horse. 

August 8

Showing Daddy what she caught while she was "fishing" with her puzzle! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 7

Hanging out on the deck after dinner tonight.  Ryan asked her to show me where her cheeks are, and this is what she did. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6

I was playing with the camera tonight and asked Caitlin to make lots of faces for me (happy, scared, surprised, etc.).  This was what she did when we asked her to make her sad face.  I guess the first is her "wah, wah, wah - crying" face, but the second one sure doesn't scream "sad" to me.  She really is so funny!  Caitlin would also like to wish her Nana a very happy birthday!  We hope you had a great day and love you very much!  IMG_0938


Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 5

Showing off her swimming skills at the pool today. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

August 4

Such a big girl pedaling her bike all by herself!  Someone needs to tell this kid to slow down with this growing up business. 

August 3

So serious about building her tower. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

August 2

Caitlin tried green peppers at dinner tonight.  She even kind of liked them. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 1

We were lucky enough to hang out with Aunt Maryann and Mom-Mom in Annapolis last night, and Caitlin loved it.  We saw lots of doggies, boats and water, and the weather was really nice!  She looks scared here, but really, she was trying to not let me take a picture of her.  Such a stinker.